LONDON, ENGLAND - NOVEMBER 17: James Blunt attends an intimate dinner hosted by Sofia Blunt to launch the Loci vegan sneaker in aid of Blue Marine Foundation on November 17, 2021 in London, England. (Photo by David M. Benett/Dave Benett/Getty Images for Loci)

詹姆斯·希里尔·布朗特(英语:James Hillier Blount,1974年2月22日-),艺名James Blunt,英国流行歌手,2004年发行首张个人专辑《不安于室》并借助单曲《You're Beautiful》一举成名。他因在部队服役的经历,被称为上尉诗人。迄今已经发行了5部专辑。布朗特出生在英格兰威尔特郡Tidworth城镇,是珍(Jane)和查尔斯·布朗特(Charles Blount)的长子,幼年曾随着身为军人的父亲居住在英格兰、塞浦路斯和德国,有两位弟妹。其父爱好驾驶飞机,受到父亲的指导,布朗特在16岁的那年就考到了机师的执照。他的家族从10世纪开始就于军队服务。他得到军队的补助,在布里斯托大学攻读航空工程,之后转念社会学,在1996年取得学士学位。


本资源为詹姆斯·布朗特(James Blunt)2003-2021年发行专辑、精选辑合集[FLAC/6.13GB]百度云盘打包下载,所有专辑作压缩包处理,需要全部下载后解压欣赏。


2003-Back to Bedlam (expanded edition)
1 High (Blunt/Ross) 4:03
2 You're Beautiful (Blunt/G/S) 3:32
3 Wisemen (Blunt/H/S) 3:42
4 Goodbye My Lover (Blunt/Skarbek) 4:18
5 Tears and Rain (Blunt/Chambers) 4:04
6 Out of My Mind (Blunt) 3:32
7 So Long, Jimmy (Blunt/Hogarth) 4:24
8 Billy (Blunt/G/S) 3:37
9 Cry (Blunt/Skarbek) 4:06
10 No Bravery (Blunt/Skarbek) 4:01
1 Wisemen [Live] 3:49
2 High [Live](Blunt/Ross) 3:55
3 Cry [Live] (Blunt/Skarbek) 3:44
4 Goodbye My Lover [Live] (Blunt/Skarbek) 4:48
5 So Long, Jimmy [Live] (Blunt/Hogarth) 5:25
6 Sugar Coated [Live] 3:51
7 You're Beautiful [Live] (Blunt/G/S) 3:38
8 Billy [Live] (Blunt/G/S) 3:46
9 Fall at Your Feet [Live] 2:42
10 Tears and Rain [Live](Blunt/Chambers) 4:17
11 No Bravery [Live] (Blunt/Skarbek) 3:36
12 Where Is My Mind? [Live] 6:39
2007-James Blunt - All The Lost Souls (Deluxe Edition)
01. 1973 (4:40)
02. One Of The Brightest Stars (3:11)
03. I'll Take Everything (3:04)
04. Same Mistake (4:58)
05. Carry You Home (3:57)
06. Give Me Some Love (3:37)
07. I Really Want You (Radio Edit) (3:40)
08. Shine On (4:26)
09. Annie (3:29)
10. I Can't Hear The Music (3:45)
11. Love, Love, Love (3:48)
12. Cuz I Love You (Live From Glastonbury 2008) (5:42)
13. Young Folks (From Jo While Live Lounge) (3:51)
14. Breakfast In America (Live) (4:38)
15. Give Me Some Love (iTunes Live London Festival '08) (4:28)
16. Carry You Home (iTunes Live London Festival '08) (4:36)
17. I'll Take Everything (iTunes Live London Festival '08) (4:09)
18. I Really Want You (iTunes Live London Festival '08) (3:41)
19. One Of The Brightest Stars (iTunes Live London Festival '08) (3:27)
20. Same Mistake (iTunes Live London Festival '08) (5:02)
21. Primavera In Anticipo (It Is My Song) (duet with Laura Pausini) (3:30)
2010-James Blunt - Some Kind of Trouble (Limited Edition)
01. Stay the night [0:03:36.26]
02. Dangerous [0:03:10.63]
03. Best laid plans [0:03:29.50]
04. So far gone [0:03:34.10]
05. No tears [0:03:49.53]
06. Superstar [0:03:48.29]
07. These are the words [0:03:22.53]
08. Calling out your name [0:03:23.56]
09. Heart of gold [0:03:32.66]
10. I'll be your man [0:03:36.67]
11. If time is all I have [0:03:36.41]
12. Epilog [0:00:05.33]
13. Turn me on [0:02:29.05]
14. There she goes (Bonus) [0:03:52.26]
15. Into the dark (Bonus) [0:02:50.74]
2014-James Blunt - Moon Landing (Apollo Edition)
01. Smoke Signals [0:03:43.42]
02. When I Find Love Again [0:03:05.08]
03. Face The Sun [0:04:01.38]
04. Satellites [0:03:12.35]
05. Bonfire Heart [0:03:59.04]
06. Heart To Heart [0:03:30.00]
07. Miss America [0:03:05.38]
08. The Only One [0:03:43.38]
09. Sun On Sunday [0:03:18.00]
10. Bones [0:02:51.00]
11. Always Hate Me [0:03:38.00]
12. Postcards [0:04:48.73]
13. Blue On Blue [0:03:53.00]
14. Telephone [0:03:26.00]
15. Kiss This Love Goodbye [0:02:36.35]
16. Hollywood [0:03:22.06]
17. Breathe [0:04:21.21]
18. Trail Of Broken Hearts [0:04:26.66]
19. Working It Out [0:04:22.03]
2017-James Blunt - The Afterlove [Extended Version]
01 Love Me Better .....03:38
02 Bartender .....03:13
03 Lose My Number .....03:28
04 Don't Give Me Those Eyes .....04:05
05 Someone Singing Along .....03:33
06 California .....03:20
07 Make Me Better .....03:52
08 Time Of Our Lives .....04:30
09 Heartbeat .....03:21
10 Paradise .....03:32
11 Courtney's Song .....04:26
12 2005 .....04:05
13 Over .....04:16
2019-James Blunt / Once Upon A Mind ( Time Suspended Edition)
01. The Truth (03:42)
02. Cold (03:28)
03. Champions (03:14)
04. Monsters (04:19)
05. Youngster (03:19)
06. 5 Miles (03:19)
07. How It Feels to Be Alive (03:25)
08. I Told You (02:31)
09. Halfway (03:11)
10. Stop the Clock (03:14)
11. The Greatest (03:10)
12. Should I Give It All Up (demo) (03:27)
13. Happier (demo) (03:02)
14. The Truth (Acoustic) (03:50)
15. Cold (Acoustic) (03:40)
16. Champions (Acoustic) (03:20)
17. Monsters (Acoustic) (04:22)
18. 5 Miles (Acoustic) (03:16)
19. Halfway (Acoustic) (03:17)
2021-James Blunt - The Stars Beneath My Feet (2004 - 2021)
01. Love Under Pressure.flac (63.3 MB)
02. 1973.flac (94.5 MB)
03. Wisemen.flac (81.0 MB)
04. Same Mistake.flac (104.0 MB)
05. You’re Beautiful.flac (74.7 MB)
06. Monsters.flac (85.7 MB)
07. Tears And Rain.flac (84.2 MB)
08. Bonfire Heart.flac (89.1 MB)
09. I Really Want You (Live in New York).flac (72.6 MB)
10. The Truth.flac (83.4 MB)
11. Heart To Heart.flac (74.6 MB)
12. Champions.flac (69.5 MB)
13. Postcards.flac (100.4 MB)
14. No Bravery (Live in London).flac (76.3 MB)
15. Adrenaline.flac (66.5 MB)
16. Smoke Signals.flac (77.8 MB)
17. Unstoppable.flac (79.0 MB)
18. Goodbye My Lover.flac (76.6 MB)
19. Coz I Love You (Live at Glastonbury).flac (119.9 MB)
20. So Long, Jimmy.flac (91.8 MB)
21. Carry You Home.flac (78.1 MB)
22. The Greatest.flac (66.5 MB)
23. High.flac (88.3 MB)
24. Don’t Give Me Those Eyes.flac (84.6 MB)
25. OK.flac (70.7 MB)
26. Stay The Night.flac (80.1 MB)
27. Bartender.flac (69.6 MB)
28. Cold.flac (80.4 MB)
29. Where Is My Mind (Live in Paris).flac (85.6 MB)
30. I Came For Love.flac (67.3 MB)

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