2008年6月12日,第1054期滚石杂志(Rolling Stone Magazine Issue #1054)发布了第一届最杰出的100首吉他歌曲排行榜,此亦为该期封面封面。主笔指出,这些歌曲可能正是赋予摇滚乐更加浓郁宽阔的吉他旋律:它们无法抗拒的吉他片段,无论是独奏还是即兴的弹奏,总能在听者心里激发兴奋的涟漪。这些歌曲个个都拥有那些令人起鸡皮疙瘩的特质,他们塑造了历史摇滚中最辉煌的吉他时刻。这百首歌曲能够作为最伟大的吉他歌曲的行列,详情可在官方网站找到更详细的阐述。以下仅摘录部分列表,供此感兴趣的朋友参考一下。解压密码:点击资源平台www.djzypt.com


1.”Johnny B. Goode,” Chuck Berry (1958)
2. “Purple Haze,” The Jimi Hendrix Experience (1967)
3. “Crossroads” Cream (1968)
4. “You Really Got Me” The Kinks (1964)
5. “Brown Sugar” The Rolling Stones (1971)
6. “Eruption” Van Halen (1978)
7. “While My Guitar Gently Weeps” The Beatles (1968)
8. “Stairway to Heaven” Led Zeppelin (1971)
9. “Statesboro Blues” The Allman Brothers Band (1971)
10. “Smells Like Teen Spirit” Nirvana (1991)
11. “Whole Lotta Love” Led Zeppelin (1969)
12. “Voodoo Child (Slight Return)” The Jimi Hendrix Experience (1968)
13. “Layla” Derek and the Dominos (1970)
14. “Born to Run” Bruce Springsteen (1975)
15. “My Generation” The Who (1965)
16. “Cowgirl in the Sand” Neil Young with Crazy Horse (1969)
17. “Black Sabbath” Black Sabbath (1970)
18. “Blitzkrieg Bop” Ramones (1976)
19. “Purple Rain” Prince and the Revolution (1984)
20. “People Get Ready” The Impressions (1965)
21. “Seven Nation Army” The White Stripes (2003)
22. “A Hard Day’s Night” The Beatles (1964)
23. “Over Under Sideways Down” The Yardbirds (1966)
24. “Killing In The Name Of” Rage Against The Machine (1992)
25. “Can’t You Hear Me Knocking” The Rolling Stones (1971)
26. “How Blue Can you Get” B.B. King (1965)
27. “Look Over Yonders Wall” The Paul Butterfield Blues Band (1965)
28. “Where the Streets Have No Name” U2 (1987)
29. “Back in Black” AC/DC (1980)
30. “(We’re Gonna) Rock Around the Clock” Bill Haley and His Comets(1954)
31. “Keep Yourself Alive” Queen (1973)
32. “Sultans of Swing” Dire Straits (1978)
33. “Master of Puppets” Metallica (1986)
34. “Walk This Way” Aerosmith (1975)
35. “1969” The Stooges (1969)
36. “Interstellar Overdrive” Pink Floyd (1967)
37. “That’s All Right” Elvis Presley (1954)
38. “Stay With Me” The Faces (1971)
39. “Black Magic Woman” Santana (1970)
40. “I Can See for Miles” The Who (1967)
41. “Marquee Moon” Television (1977)
42. “Hideaway” John Mayall and the Bluesbreakers (1966)
43. “Holidays in the Sun” The Sex Pistols (1977)
44. “Dig Me Out” Sleater-Kinne (1997)
45. “I Saw Her Standing There” The Beatles (1963)
46. “Miserlou” Dick Dale and the Del-Tones (1962)
47. “Panama” Van Halen (1984)
48. “London Calling” The Clash (1980)
49. “Machine Gun” Jimi Hendrix (1970)
50. “Debaser” Pixies (1989)
51. “Crazy Train” Ozzy Osbourne (1981)
52. “My Iron Lung” Radiohead (1995)
53. “Born on the Bayou” Creedence Clearwater Revival (1969)
54. “Little Wing” Stevie Ray Vaughan (1991)
55. “White Room” Cream (1968)
56. “Eight Miles High” The Byrds (1966)
57. “Dark Star” Grateful Dead (1969)
58. “Rumble” Link Wray (1958)
59. “Freeway Jam” Jeff Beck (1975)
60. “Maggot Brain” Funkadelic (1971)
61. “Soul Man” Sam and Dave (1967)
62. “Born Under a Bad Sign” Albert King (1967)
63. “Sweet Child O’ Mine” Guns n’ Roses (1987)
64. “Freebird” Lyrnyrd Skynyrd (1973)
65. “Message in a Bottle” The Police (1979)
66. “Texas Flood” Stevie Ray Vaughan (1983)
67. “Adam Raised a Cain” Bruce Springsteen (1978)
68. “The Thrill is Gone” B.B. King (1969)
69. “Money” Pink Floyd (1973)
70. “Bullet With Butterfly Wings” Smashing Pumpkins (1995)
71. “Take It or Leave It” The Strokes (2001)
72. “Say It Ain’t So” Weezer (1994)
73. “Summertime Blues” Blue Cheer (1968)
74. “La Grange” ZZ Top (1973)
75. “Willie the Pimp” Frank Zappa (1969)
76. “American Girl” Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers (1976)
77. “Even Flow” Pearl Jam (1991)
78. “Stone Crazy” Buddy Guy (1970)
79. “Silver Rocket” Sonic Youth (1988)
80. “Kid Charlemagne” Steely Dan (1976)
81. “Beat It” Michael Jackson (1982)
82. “Walk —Don’t Run” The Ventures (1960)
83. “What I Got” Sublime (1996)
84. “Gravity” John Mayer (2006)
85. “You Enjoy Myself” Phish (1988)
86. “I Ain’t Superstitious” Jeff Beck (1968)
87. “Red” King Crimson (1974)
88. “Mona” Quicksilver Messenger Service (1969)
89. “I Love Rock N Roll” Joan Jett and the Blackhearts (1981)
90. “How Soon Is Now?” The Smiths (1985)
91. “Drunkship of Lanterns” The Mars Volta (2003)
92. “Memo from Turner” Mick Jagger (1970)
93. “Only Shallow” My Bloody Valentine (1991)
94. “Money for Nothing” Dire Straits (1984)
95. “Omaha” Moby Grape (1967)
96. “New Day Rising” Husker Du (1985)
97. “No One Knows” Queens of the Stone Age (2002)
98. “Under the Bridge” Red Hot Chili Peppers (1991)
99. “Run Thru” My Morning Jacket (2003)
100. “Vicarious” Tool (2006)

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