苏菲·珊曼妮(Sophie Zelmani,1972年2月12日出生),后来改姓埃德克维斯特(Edkvist),是一位瑞典创作歌手。她于1995年发行了她的第一支单曲《Always You》。

珊曼妮于1972年出生在斯德哥尔摩的郊区。她14岁时,父亲为家里买了一把吉他。尽管没有接受过专业的音乐培训, 珊曼妮成为了一名创作歌手,并在当地的一家录音室录制了一些歌曲。她将这些样本寄给了三家唱片公司,结果被索尼音乐瑞典公司签约。

1995年,苏菲· 珊曼妮与索尼合作录制了她的首张同名专辑。这张专辑由拉斯·哈拉皮(Lars Halapi)制作和编曲,帕特里克·斯文特利乌斯(Patrik Sventelius)共同制作。她描述了制作专辑的过程:“一开始,拉斯和我在录音室里度过了几个月。我们很开心,然后挑选了乐手。我们在两周内录制了专辑,但整个过程用了半年的时间。”到1997年, 珊曼妮的首张专辑在欧洲和亚太地区销售了20万张,然后进军美国市场,由哥伦比亚唱片公司发行。 珊曼妮说:“我没有去国外的野心。我只知道我想制作一张专辑,这就是我想要的。”哥伦比亚的营销活动包括免费赠送CD样本、消费者媒体报道以及在斯堪的纳维亚航空公司(SAS)飞往美国的航班上播放。

由于羞怯, 珊曼妮只做了少数公开露面,但她一直在录制专辑。她在1996年的瑞典格莱美奖中获得了最佳新人奖。

珊曼妮还为电视剧《吸血鬼猎人巴菲》和《道森的小屋》贡献了音乐。她翻唱的鲍勃·迪伦的《Most of the Time》出现在电影《面具与无名者》的原声带中。

她的歌曲《Stand By》出现在电影《独立日》(1996年)中。她的歌曲《Always You》出现在电影《我最好的朋友的婚礼》(1997年)中。

珊曼妮在专辑《Sing and Dance》中的歌曲《Going Home》被王菲在2003年的专辑《将爱》中翻唱为普通话版《乘客》和粤语版《花事了》。


音乐专辑:苏菲·珊曼妮(Sophie Zelmani)歌曲合辑
演唱艺人:苏菲·珊曼妮(Sophie Zelmani)
本资源为瑞典创作歌手苏菲·珊曼妮(Sophie Zelmani)1995-2022年发行专辑、EP合集[无损FLAC/4.10GB]百度网盘打包下载,所有专辑作压缩包处理,需要全部下载后解压欣赏。


1995 - Sophie Zelmani
01 - I'd Be Broken
02 - Stand By
03 - There Must Be A Reason
04 - Always You
05 - A Thousand Times
06 - Tell Me You're Joking
07 - Woman In Me
08 - You And Him
09 - Until Dawn
10 - I'll Remember You
11 - I'll See You (In Another World)
1998 - Precious Burden
01 - Leaving
02 - Black Day
03 - Precious Burden
04 - So Long
05 - Excuse Me
06 - Got To Stop
07 - Before The Day's Gone
08 - Goodbye
09 - Foolish
10 - Curtain Fall
11 - Who I Am
1999 - Time To Kill
01 - My
02 - Losing You
03 - Nostalgia
04 - Time To Kill
05 - Why
06 - Happier Man
07 - Dreamer
08 - On Your Way
09 - I Don't Know
10 - Gone So Long
11 - Fire
2002 - Sing and Dance
01 - Oh Dear
02 - How's Your Heart Doing
03 - Going Home
04 - People
05 - Once
06 - Breeze
07 - Sing and Dance
08 - Yes I Am
09 - Moonlight
10 - Gone With the Madness
11 - How It Feels
2003 - Love Affair
01 - September Tears
02 - Maja's Song
03 - To Know You
04 - Memories
05 - Truth
06 - Keep It To Yourself
07 - Grand As Loving
08 - Dream Gets Clear
09 - Fade
10 - Hard To Know
11 - Your Way
12 - Stay With My Heart
13 - Lost In Love
2005 - A Decade Of Dreams
01 - Dreamer
02 - I Can't Change
03 - Going Home
04 - Precious Burden
05 - People
06 - Bitter Kind
07 - Oh Dear
08 - Stand By
09 - Happier Man
10 - Leaving
11 - Nostalgia
12 - So Long
13 - Gone With The Madness
14 - Fade
15 - To Know You
16 - Always You
17 - Got To Stop
18 - Our Love
2007 - Memory Loves You
01 - Wait for cry
02 - Memory loves you
03 - Broken sunny day
04 - I got yours
05 - Sorrow
06 - How different
07 - Love on my mind
08 - Travelling
09 - Now you know
10 - Shades
2008 - The Ocean And Me
01 - The Ocean and Me
02 - Composing
03 - Spring Love
04 - Time
05 - Passing By
06 - Wind Took My Sail
07 - Yeah, Okey
08 - Love
09 - I've Got a Suspicion
10 - This Room
11 - July Waits
12 - I Will Be There
2010 - I'm The Rain
01 If I Could
02 The Years
03 You Can Always Long For May
04 Ready
05 Interior Design
06 Not With You
07 I'm The Rain
08 Our Man
09 It Knows
10 To Be Forgiven
11 Song Of The Night
2011 - Soul
01 Free Now
02 I Wouldn't Speak For Him
03 All About You
04 For You
05 My Daughter
06 I Love You
07 If You're Still A Dreamer
08 Story of Us
09 Churchbell
10 My Soul Remembers
2014 - Everywhere
01. - By Your Side
02. - Waiting Room
03. - Everywhere
04. - Charlotte By the Shore
05. - When You Remember
06. - Got To Go With Love
07. - I Pray
08. - Should I Tell You
09. - The Lord
10. - My Dear
11. - Do You Think It Could Wait
12. - Forgiveness
2014 - Going Home
01 Dreamer
02 Going home
03 I can't change
04 To know you
05 Wait for cry
06 Aftermath
07 Got to stop
08 Maja's song
09 Love on my mind
10 Gone with the madness
11 Happier man
12 Oh dear
13 I'll remember you
2015 - Bright Eyes [EP]
01. Sophie Zelmani - Bright Eyes
02. Sophie Zelmani - How's Your Heart Doing
03. Sophie Zelmani - Travelling
04. Sophie Zelmani - Stand By
05. Sophie Zelmani - Hard To Know
06. Sophie Zelmani - Fade
07. Sophie Zelmani - Sailing
2017 - My Song
01 - Sophie Zelmani - Bless Me
02 - Sophie Zelmani - My Song
03 - Sophie Zelmani - Dreams Are Better
04 - Sophie Zelmani - When Times Are Bad
05 - Sophie Zelmani - The Happy Woman Cries
06 - Sophie Zelmani - Imagine
07 - Sophie Zelmani - No Victims
08 - Sophie Zelmani - This Prison
09 - Sophie Zelmani - I Wonder
10 - Sophie Zelmani - Something More
2019 - Sunrise
01. Sophie Zelmani - No Room For Dealing
02. Sophie Zelmani - Only A Miracle
03. Sophie Zelmani - Sunrise
04. Sophie Zelmani - Mirage
05. Sophie Zelmani - Giving God A Plan
06. Sophie Zelmani - Possibilities
07. Sophie Zelmani - In Control
08. Sophie Zelmani - There Is Love
09. Sophie Zelmani - How To Look At Life
2022 - The World Ain't Pretty [24-48]
01. The World?Ain't?Pretty
02. What If
03. Do You Remember
04. One Man's Kiss
05. This Is The Place
06. God Do You Hear
07. Be For Real
08. Do Something
09. When You're Singing
10. Black Pearl
11. This Will Be The Year

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