阿丽西亚·奥格洛·库克(Alicia Augello Cook)于1981年1月25日出生,以艺名阿丽西亚·凯斯(Alicia Keys)闻名,是一位美国歌手和词曲创作人。作为一位受过古典钢琴训练的钢琴家,凯斯在12岁时开始创作歌曲,并在15岁时被哥伦比亚唱片公司签约。在与唱片公司的争议后,她与阿里斯塔唱片签约,并于2001年与J唱片合作发布了她的首张专辑《A小调歌曲》。该专辑在商业和评论上都取得了成功,在全球销售了超过1200万份。其中包括Billboard百强单曲榜冠军单曲《Fallin'》,并使凯斯在2002年获得了五项格莱美奖,创下了前所未有的纪录。她的第二张专辑《阿丽西亚·凯斯的日记》(2003年)同样取得了商业和评论上的成功,在全球销售了800万份,并产生了单曲《You Don't Know My Name》,《If I Ain't Got You》和《Diary》。该专辑使她获得了额外的四项格莱美奖。

2004年,她与歌手亚瑟(Usher)合作的二重唱《My Boo》成为她的第二首冠军单曲。凯斯发布了她的第一张现场专辑《Unplugged》(2005年),成为第一位MTV Unplugged专辑登顶冠军的女性。她的第三张专辑《As I Am》(2007年)在全球销售了700万份,并产生了Hot 100冠军单曲《No One》。2007年,凯斯在动作惊悚片《Smokin' Aces》中首次亮相,并在詹姆斯·邦德电影《量子危机》中演唱主题曲,与杰克·怀特(Jack White)合作演唱了单曲《Another Way to Die》。她的第四张专辑《自由元素》(2009年)成为她在英国的首张冠军专辑,并在全球销售了400万份。该专辑包括了热门单曲《Doesn't Mean Anything》,《Try Sleeping with a Broken Heart》,《Un-Thinkable (I'm Ready)》。凯斯与Jay-Z合作的2009年单曲《帝国之州》成为她在美国的第四首冠军单曲。她的第五张专辑《Girl on Fire》(2012年)成为她第四次非连续登顶Billboard 200榜的专辑,并包括了成功的同名主打曲,而她的第六张录音室专辑《Here》(2016年)在排行榜上排名第2位。她的第七张和第八张录音室专辑《Alicia》(2020年)和《Keys》(2021年)推出了单曲《Show Me Love》(与米格尔合作),《Underdog》,《Lala》和《Best of Me》。2022年,她发布了她的第九张录音室专辑《Santa Baby》,这也是她的第一张独立专辑。

凯斯全球销售了超过9000万张唱片,成为世界上最畅销的音乐艺术家之一。她被Billboard杂志评为2000年代的R&B / Hip-Hop艺术家,并在他们的“过去25年最佳50位R&B / Hip-Hop艺术家”名单上排名第十。她在职业生涯中获得了众多荣誉,包括15项格莱美奖、17项NAACP形象奖、12项ASCAP奖以及来自歌曲创作名人堂和全国音乐出版商协会的奖项。VH1将她列为“100位最伟大的艺术家”和“100位最伟大的女性音乐家”,而《时代》杂志则将她列为2005年和2017年最具影响力的100位人物之一。凯斯还因其人道主义工作、慈善事业和活动主义而受到赞誉,例如被国际特赦组织授予“良心大使”称号;她联合创办并担任非营利组织“保护孩子健康”的全球大使。

阿丽西亚·奥格洛·库克于1981年1月25日出生,出生在纽约市曼哈顿的地狱厨房区。她是特蕾莎·奥格洛(Teresa Augello)的独生女,特蕾莎是一名律师助理兼兼职女演员,是克雷格·库克(Craig Cook)的三个孩子中的一个,克雷格是一名空中乘务员。凯斯的父亲是非洲裔美国人,母亲则是意大利、英国、爱尔兰和苏格兰血统;她母亲的父母是来自西西里岛斯卡卡(Sciacca)和卡拉布里亚(Calabria)的移民。凯斯以她的波多黎各教母命名,她表示自己对自己的多种族背景感到自在,因为她觉得自己能够"与不同的文化有共鸣"。凯斯的父亲在她两岁时离开了,随后她在地狱厨房的成长时期由母亲抚养长大。凯斯说她从来不愿意谈论她的父亲,以免滋养刻板印象,但她在2001年表示:"我和他没有联系。没关系。当我年纪小的时候,我在意这个。[它]让我生气。但这帮助我看清楚了我母亲是一个多么坚强的女人,让我想要像她一样坚强。也许,这样对我来说更好。"凯斯和她的母亲住在一个一居室的公寓里。她的母亲经常工作三份工作来养活凯斯,她从母亲的坚韧和自立中"学会了如何生存"。



凯斯从小就热爱音乐和唱歌。她回忆起她的母亲在周日早上播放爵士音乐家如塞隆尼厄斯·蒙克(Thelonious Monk)、比莉·霍利戴(Billie Holiday)、艾拉·费茨杰拉德(Ella Fitzgerald)和路易斯·阿姆斯特朗(Louis Armstrong)的唱片——这些早期的音乐时刻被凯斯视为对她对音乐的兴趣和情感联系的影响。在幼儿园时,凯斯参加了学校的音乐剧《猫》的演出,并在《绿野仙踪》的一次演出中饰演了多萝西·盖尔。凯斯发现自己对钢琴有着激情,从六岁开始,她喜欢这个乐器的声音和触感,并渴望弹奏和学习它。当凯斯十岁时,一个将要搬家的邻居朋友送给了她的家一个旧的立式钢琴。这对凯斯的音乐发展起到了关键作用,使她能够在年幼时练习、演奏,并在早期享受音乐课程的全部好处。凯斯从七岁开始接受古典钢琴训练,每天练习六个小时,学习铃木方法,并演奏贝多芬、莫扎特、肖邦和萨蒂等作曲家的作品。她特别喜欢"蓝色、黑暗、阴影"和忧郁的作品,以及像肖邦这样的"蓝色作曲家"激情四溢的浪漫主义作品。受到电影《费城故事》的启发,凯斯在12岁时在她的钢琴上写下了关于她已故祖父的第一首歌曲。电影中汤姆·汉克斯的角色在唱片机上听歌的那个场景明显影响了凯斯,她"从未很好地表达情感"。看完电影后,凯斯"第一次通过音乐表达了自己的感受"。





凯斯在青少年时期在哈莱姆度过了更多的时间。她与这个社区的文化和种族多样性建立了联系,在那里扩展了她对音乐的探索,并且她的个性也得到了巩固。凯斯说:"在很多方面,哈莱姆把我养大了。"。她评论道:"[它]教会了我如何快速思考,如何玩这个游戏...教会了我领导能力,当你需要时如何摆脱困境,如何保护自己。"在这个时期,她遇到了后来成为她的长期合作伙伴和男朋友的好朋友克里·布拉瑟斯(Kerry Brothers Jr.),他也以Krucial闻名。



音乐专辑:阿丽西亚·凯斯(Alicia Keys)歌曲合辑
演唱艺人:阿丽西亚·凯斯(Alicia Keys)
本资源为美国创作歌手阿丽西亚·凯斯(Alicia Keys)2001-2023年发行专辑、EPs、合辑、现场辑、单曲合集[无损FLAC+MP3/10.5GB]百度网盘打包下载,所有专辑作压缩包处理,需要全部下载后解压欣赏。



01. Albums
(2001) Alicia Keys - Songs In A Minor (Special Edition)
01. Special Edition (CD 1)
01 Alicia Keys - Piano & I
02 Alicia Keys - Girlfriend
03 Alicia Keys - How Come You Don't Call Me
04 Alicia Keys - Fallin'
05 Alicia Keys - Troubles
06 Alicia Keys - Rock Wit U
07 Alicia Keys - A Woman's Worth
08 Alicia Keys - Jane Doe
09 Alicia Keys - Goodbye
10 Alicia Keys - The Life
11 Alicia Keys - Mr. Man (feat. Jimmy Cozier)
12 Alicia Keys - Never Felt This Way (interlude)
13 Alicia Keys - Butterflyz
14 Alicia Keys - Why Do I Feel So Sad
15 Alicia Keys - Caged Bird
16 Alicia Keys - Lovin' U
02. Special Edition (CD 2)
01 Alicia Keys - Girlfriend (KrucialKeys Sista Girl Mix)
02 Alicia Keys - Gangsta Lovin' (W, Eve)
03 Alicia Keys - Fallin' (Remix featuring Busta Rhymes & Rampage)
04 Alicia Keys - A Woman's Worth (Remix)
05 Alicia Keys - Butterflyz (Roger's Release Mix)
06 Alicia Keys - Troubles (J-Jay & Chris Lum Bootleg Mix)
07 Alicia Keys - How Come You Don't Call Me (Neptunes Remix)
08 Alicia Keys - Fallin' (Ali Version)
09 Alicia Keys - Moonlight Sonata, L'Interludio Abivalente, Ain't Misbehavin' (Live)
10 Alicia Keys - Goodbye (Live)
11 Alicia Keys - Never Felt This Way (Live)
12 Alicia Keys - Butterflyz (Live)
13 Alicia Keys - Caged Bird (Live)
14 Alicia Keys - I Got A Little Something For You (Live)
15 Alicia Keys - Someday We'll All Be Free (Live)
03. Special Deluxe Edition (CD 3)
01 Alicia Keys - A Woman's Worth (Remix) (feat. NaS)
02 Alicia Keys - Juiciest (Mixtape Version)
03 Alicia Keys - If I Was Your Woman (Original Funky Demo)
04 Alicia Keys - Fallin' (The Ali Soundtrack Version)
05 Alicia Keys - Typewriter (Previously Unreleased)
06 Alicia Keys - Buterfly (The Drumline Mix)
(2003) Alicia Keys - The Diary Of Alicia Keys
01 Alicia Keys - Harlem's Nocturne
02 Alicia Keys - Karma
03 Alicia Keys - Heartburn
04 Alicia Keys - If I Was Your Woman Walk on By
05 Alicia Keys - You Don't Know My Name
06 Alicia Keys - If I Ain't Got You
07 Alicia Keys - Diary (feat. Tony! Toni! Tone!)
08 Alicia Keys - Dragon Days
09 Alicia Keys - Wake Up
10 Alicia Keys - So Simple
11 Alicia Keys - When You Really Love Someone
12 Alicia Keys - Feeling U, Feeling Me
13 Alicia Keys - Slow Down
14 Alicia Keys - Samsonite Man
15 Alicia Keys - Nobody Not Really
16 Alicia Keys - Streets of New York (feat. Nas)
(2008) Alicia Keys - As I Am
01 Alicia Keys - As I Am (Intro)
02 Alicia Keys - Go Ahead
03 Alicia Keys - Superwoman
04 Alicia Keys - No One
05 Alicia Keys - Like You'll Never See Me Again
06 Alicia Keys - Lesson Learned (feat. John Mayer)
07 Alicia Keys - Wreckless Love
08 Alicia Keys - The Thing About Love
09 Alicia Keys - Teenage Love Affair
10 Alicia Keys - I Need You
11 Alicia Keys - Where Do We Go From Here
12 Alicia Keys - Prelude To A Kiss
13 Alicia Keys - Tell You Something (Nana's Reprise)
14 Alicia Keys - Sure Looks Good To Me
15 Alicia Keys - Another Way To Die (Jack White & Alicia Keys)
16 Alicia Keys - Doncha Know (Sky Is Blue)
17 Alicia Keys - Saviour
(2009) Alicia Keys - The Element Of Freedom
01 Alicia Keys - Element of Freedom (intro)
02 Alicia Keys - Love Is Blind
03 Alicia Keys - Doesn't Mean Anything
04 Alicia Keys - Try Sleeping With a Broken Heart
05 Alicia Keys - Wait Til You See My Smile
06 Alicia Keys - That's How Strong My Love Is
07 Alicia Keys - Un-Thinkable (I'm Ready)
08 Alicia Keys - Love Is My Disease
09 Alicia Keys - Like the Sea
10 Alicia Keys - Put It in a Love Song (feat. Beyoncé)
11 Alicia Keys - This Bed
12 Alicia Keys - Distance and Time
13 Alicia Keys - How It Feels to Fly
14 Alicia Keys - Empire State of Mind, Part II Broken Down
15 Alicia Keys - Through It All
16 Alicia Keys - Pray for Forgiveness
(2012) Alicia Keys - Girl On Fire
01 Alicia Keys - De Novo Adagio (Intro)
02 Alicia Keys - Brand New Me
03 Alicia Keys - When It's All Over
04 Alicia Keys - Listen to Your Heart
05 Alicia Keys - New Day
06 Alicia Keys - Girl on Fire (Inferno Version) (feat. Nicki Minaj)
07 Alicia Keys - Fire We Make (duet with Maxwell)
08 Alicia Keys - Tears Always Win
09 Alicia Keys - Not Even the King
10 Alicia Keys - That's When I Knew
11 Alicia Keys - Limitedless
12 Alicia Keys - One Thing
13 Alicia Keys - 101
(2016) Alicia Keys - HERE
01 Alicia Keys - The Beginning (Interlude)
02 Alicia Keys - The Gospel
03 Alicia Keys - Pawn It All
04 Alicia Keys - Elaine Brown (Interlude)
05 Alicia Keys - Kill Your Mama
06 Alicia Keys - She Don't Really Care_1 Luv
07 Alicia Keys - Elevate (Interlude)
08 Alicia Keys - Illusion Of Bliss
09 Alicia Keys - Blended Family (What You Do For Love) (Feat. A$AP Rocky)
10 Alicia Keys - Work On It
11 Alicia Keys - Cocoa Butter (Cross & Pic Interlude)
12 Alicia Keys - Girl Can't Be Herself
13 Alicia Keys - You Glow (Interlude)
14 Alicia Keys - More Than We Know
15 Alicia Keys - Where Do We Begin Now
16 Alicia Keys - Holy War
17 Alicia Keys - Hallelujah
18 Alicia Keys - In Common
(2020) Alicia Keys - ALICIA (Deluxe)
01 - Truth Without Love
02 - Time Machine
03 - Authors Of Forever
04 - Wasted Energy (feat. Diamond Platnumz)
05 - Underdog
06 - 3 Hour Drive (feat. Sampha)
07 - Me x 7 (feat. Tierra Whack)
08 - Show Me Love (feat. Miguel)
09 - So Done (feat. Khalid)
10 - Gramercy Park
11 - Love Looks Better
12 - You Save Me (feat. Snoh Aalegra)
13 - Jill Scott (feat. Jill Scott)
14 - Perfect Way To Die
15 - Good Job
16 - Three Hour Drive - A COLORS SHOW (feat. SiR)
17 - A Beautiful Noise
18 - Wasted Energy (feat. Kaash Paige & Diamond Platnumz) (Remix)
(2021) Alicia Keys - ALICIA The Selects
01 - Time Machine
02 - 3 Hour Drive (feat. Sampha)
03 - Show Me Love (feat. Miguel)
04 - Authors Of Forever
05 - So Done (feat. Khalid)
06 - You Save Me (feat. Snoh Aalegra)
07 - Love Looks Better
(2021) Alicia Keys - Keys
CD1 - Originals
01. Plentiful (Originals) (feat. Pusha T)
02. Skydive (Originals)
03. Best Of Me (Originals)
04. Dead End Road (Originals)
05. Is It Insane (Originals)
06. Billions (Originals)
07. Love When You Call My Name (Originals)
08. Only You (Originals)
09. Daffodils (Originals)
10. Old Memories (Originals)
11. Nat King Cole (Originals)
12. Paper Flowers (Originals) (feat. Brandi Carlile)
13. Like Water (Originals)
14. Interlude (Originals)
CD2 - Unlocked
01. Only You (Unlocked)
02. Skydive (Unlocked)
03. Best Of Me (Unlocked)
04. LALA (Unlocked) (feat. Swae Lee)
05. Nat King Cole (Unlocked) (feat. Alicia Keys & Lil Wayne)
06. Is It Insane (Unlocked)
07. Come For Me (Unlocked) (feat. Khalid & Lucky Daye)
08. Old Memories (Unlocked)
09. Dead End Road (Unlocked)
10. Love When You Call My Name (Unlocked)
11. Daffodils (Unlocked)
12. Billions (Unlocked)(Explicit)
(2022) Alicia Keys - Essentials
01. If I Ain't Got You
02. No One
03. City of Gods
04. Fallin'
05. Skydive (Unlocked)
06. Empire State Of Mind
07. City of Gods (Part II)
08. You Don't Know My Name
09. Old Memories (Originals)
10. Show Me Love (feat. Miguel)
11. Come For Me (Unlocked) (feat. Khalid & Lucky Daye)
12. Girl on Fire
13. Un-thinkable (I'm Ready)
14. A Woman's Worth
15. Try Sleeping with a Broken Heart
16. LALA (Unlocked) (feat. Swae Lee)
17. Time Machine
18. In Common
19. Like You'll Never See Me Again
20. Foolish Heart
21. My Boo
22. Karma
23. So Done (feat. Khalid)
24. Butterflyz
25. Diary (feat. Tony! Toni! Tone! & Jermaine Paul)
26. Superwoman
27. Unbreakable (Unplugged Live at the Brooklyn Academy of Music, Brooklyn, NY - July 2005)
28. How Come You Don't Call Me
29. Teenage Love Affair
30. Gangsta Lovin'
31. Girlfriend
32. Me x 7 (feat. Tierra Whack)
33. Empire State of Mind (Part II) Broken Down
(2022) Alicia Keys - KEYS II
01 - Plentiful (Originals) (feat. Pusha T)
02 - Skydive (Originals)
03 - Best Of Me (Originals)
04 - Dead End Road (Originals)
05 - Is It Insane (Originals)
06 - Billions (Originals)
07 - Love When You Call My Name (Originals)
08 - Only You (Originals)
09 - Daffodils (Originals)
10 - Old Memories (Originals)
11 - Nat King Cole (Originals)
12 - Paper Flowers (Originals) (feat. Brandi Carlile)
13 - Like Water (Originals)
14 - Stay (feat. Lucky Daye)
15 - In Common (Black Coffee Remix)
01 - KEYS
02 - Only You (Unlocked)
03 - Skydive (Unlocked)
04 - Best Of Me (Unlocked)
05 - LALA (Unlocked) (feat. Swae Lee)
06 - Nat King Cole (Unlocked) (feat. Lil Wayne)
07 - Is It Insane (Unlocked)
08 - Come For Me (Unlocked) (feat. Khalid & Lucky Daye)
09 - Old Memories (Unlocked)
10 - Dead End Road (Unlocked)
11 - Love When You Call My Name (Unlocked)
12 - Daffodils (Unlocked)
13 - Billions (Unlocked)
14 - Trillions (feat. Brent Faiyaz)
15 - In Common (Kaskade Radio Mix)
(2023) Alicia Keys - Inesquecivel Sao Paulo Brazil (Live From Allianz Parque Sao Paulo Brazil)
01. Nat King Cole (Live From Allianz Parque Sao Paulo Brazil)
02. Truth Without Love (Live From Allianz Parque Sao Paulo Brazil)
03. You Don't Know My Name (Live From Allianz Parque Sao Paulo Brazil)
04. Wasted Energy (Live From Allianz Parque Sao Paulo Brazil)
05. Karma (Live From Allianz Parque Sao Paulo Brazil)
06. New Day (Live From Allianz Parque Sao Paulo Brazil)
07. Unthinkable (Live From Allianz Parque Sao Paulo Brazil)
08. So Done (Live From Allianz Parque Sao Paulo Brazil)
09. Show Me Love (Live From Allianz Parque Sao Paulo Brazil)
10. Diary (Live From Allianz Parque Sao Paulo Brazil)
11. The Gospel (Live From Allianz Parque Sao Paulo Brazil)
12. Plentiful (Live From Allianz Parque Sao Paulo Brazil)
13. Skydive (Live From Allianz Parque Sao Paulo Brazil)
14. Skydive Unlocked (Live From Allianz Parque Sao Paulo Brazil)
15. It Is Insane (Live From Allianz Parque Sao Paulo Brazil)
16. It Is Insane Unlocked (Live From Allianz Parque Sao Paulo Brazil)
17. Only You (Live From Allianz Parque Sao Paulo Brazil)
18. Only You Unlocked (Live From Allianz Parque Sao Paulo Brazil)
19. Women's Worth (Live From Allianz Parque Sao Paulo Brazil)
20. Unbreakable (Live From Allianz Parque Sao Paulo Brazil)
21. Empire State of Mind (Live From Allianz Parque Sao Paulo Brazil)
22. Try Sleeping with a Broken Heart (Live From Allianz Parque Sao Paulo Brazil)
23. Girl on Fire (Live From Allianz Parque Sao Paulo Brazil)
24. Superwoman (Live From Allianz Parque Sao Paulo Brazil)
25. Fallin' (Live From Allianz Parque Sao Paulo Brazil)
26. In Common (Live From Allianz Parque Sao Paulo Brazil)
27. Underdog (Live From Allianz Parque Sao Paulo Brazil)
28. No One (Live From Allianz Parque Sao Paulo Brazil)
29. Like You'll Never See Me Again (Live From Allianz Parque Sao Paulo Brazil)
30. If I Ain't Got You (Live From Allianz Parque Sao Paulo Brazil)
Alicia Keys - Inesquecivel Sao Paulo Brazil (Live From Allianz Parque Sao Paulo Brazil).jpg
(2023) Alicia Keys - Inolvidable Santiago Chile (Live from Movistar Arena Santiago, Chile)
Alicia Keys - 01.Nat King Cole (Live from Movistar Arena Santiago, Chile)
Alicia Keys - 02.Truth Without Love (Live from Movistar Arena Santiago, Chile)
Alicia Keys - 03.You Don't Know My Name (Live from Movistar Arena Santiago, Chile)
Alicia Keys - 04.Wasted Energy (Live from Movistar Arena Santiago, Chile)
Alicia Keys - 05.Karma (Live from Movistar Arena Santiago, Chile)
Alicia Keys - 06.New Day (Live from Movistar Arena Santiago, Chile)
Alicia Keys - 07.Unthinkable (Live from Movistar Arena Santiago, Chile)
Alicia Keys - 08.So Done (Live from Movistar Arena Santiago, Chile)
Alicia Keys - 09.Diary (Live from Movistar Arena Santiago, Chile)
Alicia Keys - 10.Calma (Alicia Remix)
Alicia Keys - 11.Looking for Paradise (Live From Movistar Arena Santiago, Chile)
Alicia Keys - 12.The Gospel (Live from Movistar Arena Santiago, Chile)
Alicia Keys - 13.Plentiful (Live from Movistar Arena Santiago, Chile)
Alicia Keys - 14.Skydive (Live from Movistar Arena Santiago, Chile)
Alicia Keys - 15.Skydive Unlocked (Live from Movistar Arena Santiago, Chile)
Alicia Keys - 16.Only You (Live From Movistar Arena Santiago, Chile)
Alicia Keys - 17.Only You Unlocked (Live From Movistar Arena Santiago, Chile)
Alicia Keys - 18.A Woman's Worth (Live from Movistar Arena Santiago, Chile)
Alicia Keys - 19.Unbreakable (Live From Movistar Arena Santiago, Chile)
Alicia Keys - 20.Empire State of Mind (Live from Movistar Arena Santiago, Chile)
Alicia Keys - 21.Try Sleeping With A Broken Heart (Live from Movistar Arena Santiago, Chile)
Alicia Keys - 22.Girl On Fire (Live from Movistar Arena Santiago, Chile)
Alicia Keys - 24.Girl On Fire (Extended)
Alicia Keys - 25.Superwoman (Live from Movistar Arena Santiago, Chile)
Alicia Keys - 26.Fallin' (Live from Movistar Arena Santiago, Chile)
Alicia Keys - 27.In Common (Live from Movistar Arena Santiago, Chile)
Alicia Keys - 28.Underdog (Live from Movistar Arena Santiago, Chile)
Alicia Keys - 29.No One (Live from Movistar Arena Santiago, Chile)
Alicia Keys - 30.Like You'll Never See Me Again (Live from Movistar Arena Santiago, Chile)
Alicia Keys - 31.If I Ain't Got You (Live from Movistar Arena Santiago, Chile)
Ana Tijoux - 23.1977 (Live From Movistar Arena Santiago, Chile)
(2023) Alicia Keys - Queen Charlotte_ A Bridgerton Story (Covers from the Netflix Series)
01. A Feeling I've Never Been
02. Halo
03. If I Ain't Got You
04. Deja Vu
05. Run the World
06. Nobody Gets Me
07. I Will Always Love You
08. If I Ain't Got You (feat. Queen Charlotte's Global Orchestra) (Orchestral)
Alicia Keys - Queen Charlotte_ A Bridgerton Story (Covers from the Netflix Series).jpg
02. Compilations
(2002) Alicia Keys - Remixed & Unplugged In A Minor
01 Alicia Keys - Girlfriend (KrucialKeys Sista Girl mix)
02 Alicia Keys - Gangsta Lovin' (feat. Alicia Keys)
03 Alicia Keys - Fallin' (remix) (feat. Busta Rhymes & Rampage)
04 Alicia Keys - A Woman's Worth (remix)
05 Alicia Keys - Butterflyz (Roger's Release mix)
06 Alicia Keys - Troubles (J-Jay & Chris Lum Bootleg mix)
07 Alicia Keys - How Come You Don't Call Me (Neptunes remix)
08 Alicia Keys - Fallin' (Ali soundtrack version)
09 Alicia Keys - Moonlight Sonata L'Interludio Ambivalente Ain't Misbehavin'
10 Alicia Keys - Goodbye
11 Alicia Keys - Never Felt This Way
12 Alicia Keys - Butterflyz
13 Alicia Keys - Caged Bird
14 Alicia Keys - I Got a Little Something for You
15 Alicia Keys - Someday We'll All Be Free
(2005) Alicia Keys - Unplugged
01 Alicia Keys - Intro Alicia's Prayer (acappella)
02 Alicia Keys - Karma
03 Alicia Keys - Heartburn
04 Alicia Keys - A Woman's Worth (live)
05 Alicia Keys - Unbreakable
06 Alicia Keys - How Come You Don't Call Me
07 Alicia Keys - If I Was Your Woman
08 Alicia Keys - If I Ain't Got You
09 Alicia Keys - Every Little Bit Hurts
10 Alicia Keys - Streets of New York (City Life)
11 Alicia Keys - Wild Horses (feat. Adam Levine)
12 Alicia Keys - Diary
13 Alicia Keys - You Don't Know My Name
14 Alicia Keys - Stolen Moments
15 Alicia Keys - Fallin'
16 Alicia Keys - Love It or Leave It Alone Welcome to Jamrock (feat. Mos Def, Common & Friends)
(2008) Alicia Keys - Greatest Hits (2CD)
01. Teenage Love Affair
02. Gangsta Lovin'
03. No One
04. If I Ain't Got You
05. Fallin
06. Like You'll Never See Me Again
07. Unbreakable
08. A Woman's Worth
09. You Don't Know My Name
10. Where Do We Go From Here
11. Diary (Feat. Tony! Toni! Tone'!)
12. Superwoman
13. Girlfriend
14. Karma
15. Wreckless Love
16. How Come You Don't Call Me
17. Every Little Bit Hurts
18. Someday We'll All Be Free
01. Go Ahead
02. Heartburn
03. Rock Wit U
04. Tell You Something (Nana's Reprise)
05. If I Was Your Woman-Walk On By
06. Lovin U
07. I Need You
08. Stolen Moments
09. Nobody Not Really
10. Troubles
11. The Thing About Love
12. Dragon Days
13. Butterflyz
14. Lesson Learned (featuring John Mayer)
15. Wake Up
16. Goodbye
17. So Simple
18. Streets Of New York (City Life)
(2013) Alicia Keys - VH1 Storytellers
01 Alicia Keys - No One (Live)
02 Alicia Keys - Brand New Me (Live)
03 Alicia Keys - You Don't Know My Name (Live)
04 Alicia Keys - Empire State Of Mind (Part II) Broken Down (Live)
05 Alicia Keys - Not Even The King (Live)
06 Alicia Keys - Fallin' (Live)
07 Alicia Keys - If I Ain't Got You (Live)
08 Alicia Keys - Girl On Fire (Live)
09 Alicia Keys - New Day (Live)
10 Alicia Keys - Try Sleeping With A Broken Heart (Live)
11 Alicia Keys - Un-Thinkable (I'm Ready) (Live)
03. EPs
(2007) Alicia Keys - No One
01 - No One
02 - No One (Salaam Remi Mix)
03 - No One (Curtis Lynch Reggae Remix)
04 - Superwoman (Live at Home House, London, UK)
(2008) Alicia Keys - Superwoman
01 - Superwoman (Radio Edit)
02 - Superwoman (Live at Home House, London, UK)
03 - Teenage Love Affair Part II (feat. LL Cool J)
(2009) Alicia Keys - Doesn't Mean Anything
01 - Doesn't Mean Anything
02 - Dreaming
(2009) Alicia Keys - The Element Of Freedom (Empire Edition EP)
01 Alicia Keys - Lover Man
02 Alicia Keys - We're Almost There
03 Alicia Keys - No One (Live)
04 Alicia Keys - Like You'll Never See Me Again (Live)
05 Alicia Keys - If I Ain't Got You (Live)
06 Alicia Keys - Karma (Live)
07 Alicia Keys - Fallin' (Live)
(2009) Alicia Keys - Try Sleeping With A Broken Heart
01 - Try Sleeping with a Broken Heart
02 - Lover Man
(2012) Alicia Keys - Girl on Fire (Remixes) - EP
01 - Girl on Fire
02 - Girl On Fire (feat. Nicki Minaj) (Inferno Version)
03 - Girl On Fire (Bluelight Version)
04 - Girl on Fire (Instrumental Version)
(2017) Alicia Keys - Vault Volume 1
01 - No One (Acoustic)
02 - Place To Call My Own (AK Version)
03 - If I Ain't Got You (Piano & Vocal Version)
04 - Stolen Moments
05 - Pray For Forgiveness
(2001) Alicia Keys - A Woman's worth
01 Alicia Keys - A Woman's Worth (original radio version)
02 Alicia Keys - A Woman's Worth (remix radio version)
03 Alicia Keys - A Woman's Worth (remix club version)
04 Alicia Keys - A Woman's Worth (remix instrumental version)
(2001) Alicia Keys - Fallin'
01 Alicia Keys - Fallin' (Radio Edit)
02 Alicia Keys - Fallin' (Album Version)
03 Alicia Keys - Fallin' Extended Remix (Feat. Busta Rhymes & Rampage(
04 Alicia Keys - Fallin' Remix (W-O RAP)
05 Alicia Keys - Fallin' Remix Instrumental
(2002) Alicia Keys - Girlfriend
01 Alicia Keys - Girlfriend
(2002) Alicia Keys - How Come You Don't Call Me
01 Alicia Keys - How Come You Don't Call Me (Original Album Version)
02 Alicia Keys - How Come You Don't Call Me (Neptunes Remix)
03 Alicia Keys - Butterflyz (Roger's Release Mix)
(2003) Alicia Keys - If I Ain't Got You
01 Alicia Keys - If I Ain't Got You (Radio Edit)
02 Alicia Keys - If I Ain't Got You (Instrumental)
03 Alicia Keys - If I Ain't Got You (Call Out Hook)
(2004) Alicia Keys - Karma
01 Alicia Keys - Karma (Radio Edit)
02 Alicia Keys - Diary (Hani Mix)
03 Alicia Keys - Karma (Raggaeton Mix)
04 Alicia Keys - Karma (Club Mix)
(2005) Alicia Keys - Unbreakable
01 Alicia Keys - Unbreakable (Radio Edit)
02 Alicia Keys - Unbreakable (Call Out Hook)
(2007) Alicia Keys - Like You'll Never See Me Again
01 Alicia Keys - Like You'll Never See Me Again (Radio Edit)
02 Alicia Keys - Like You'll Never See Me Again (Instrumental)
03 Alicia Keys - Like You'll Never See Me Again (Call Out Hook)
(2007) Alicia Keys - No One
01 Alicia Keys - No One (Main)
02 Alicia Keys - No One (Curtis Lynch Reggae Remix)
(2008) Alicia Keys - Another Way To Die
01 Alicia Keys - Another Way To Die (Album Version)
02 Alicia Keys - Another Way To Die (Instrumental)
(2008) Alicia Keys - Superwoman
01 Alicia Keys - Superwoman (Radio Edit)
02 Alicia Keys - Superwoman (Call Out Hook)
(2008) Alicia Keys - Teenage Love Affair
01 Alicia Keys - Teenage love affair (Album version)
02 Alicia Keys - Teenage love affair (Call out hook)
03 Alicia Keys - Teenage Love Affair (feat. LL Cool J) (remix)
04 Alicia Keys - Teenage love affair (Instrumental)
(2009) Alicia Keys - Doesn't Mean Anything
01 Alicia Keys - Doesn't Mean Anything
(2009) Alicia Keys - The Element Of Freedom
01 - Empire State of Mind (Part II) Broken Down
(2009) Alicia Keys - Try Sleeping With A Broken Heart
01 Alicia Keys - Try Sleeping With A Broken Heart
(2010) Alicia Keys - Un-thinkable (I'm Ready) (feat. Drake) (Remix)
01 - Un-thinkable (I'm Ready) (feat. Drake) (Remix)
(2012) Alicia Keys - Girl On Fire
01 Alicia Keys - Girl On Fire
02 Alicia Keys - Girl On Fire (Inferno Version)
03 Alicia Keys - Girl On Fire (Bluelight Version)
(2016) Alicia Keys - Hallelujah
01 - Hallelujah
(2019) Alicia Keys - The Christmas Song
01 - The Christmas Song
(2021) Alicia Keys - Best Of Me
01 - Best Of Me (Originals)
02 - Best Of Me (Unlocked)
(2021) Alicia Keys - LALA (Unlocked) (feat. Swae Lee)
01 - LALA (Unlocked) (feat. Swae Lee)
(2022) Alicia Keys - City of Gods (Part II)
Alicia Keys - City of Gods (Part II)
(2022) Fivio Foreign, Kanye West & Alicia Keys - City of Gods
Fivio Foreign - City of Gods

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