Polly Jean Harvey (1969年10月9日出生),是一位英国创作型女歌手。她主要以其独特的嗓音和吉他演奏技巧而闻名,同时她还精通多种乐器。1988年,Harvey加入了当地乐队Automatic Dlamini,担任主唱、吉他手和萨克斯风手,乐队的主唱John Parish成为了她的长期合作伙伴。1991年,她组建了一个以自己名字命名的三人组PJ Harvey,并以此开始了她的个人音乐事业。该组合发布了两张录音室专辑《Dry》(1992年)和《Rid of Me》(1993年),随后解散,之后Harvey以个人艺人的身份继续发展。自1995年以来,她与包括Parish、前乐队成员Rob Ellis、Mick Harvey和Eric Drew Feldman在内的多位音乐人合作发布了另外九张录音室专辑,并与制作人Flood有着广泛的合作。

Harvey获得的荣誉包括两次水星音乐奖(2001年和2011年),分别是因为专辑《Stories from the City, Stories from the Sea》(2000年)和《Let England Shake》(2011年),这使她成为唯一两次获奖的艺人。她还获得了八项英国音乐奖提名、七项格莱美奖提名和两项水星音乐奖提名。《滚石》杂志授予她三项荣誉:1992年的最佳新人和最佳创作型女歌手,以及1995年的年度艺人。《滚石》还将《Rid of Me》、《To Bring You My Love》和《Stories from the City, Stories from the Sea》列入了他们的“史上500张最伟大的专辑”名单。2011年,她在NME音乐奖上获得了杰出贡献奖。在2013年的生日荣誉授勋中,她被任命为大英帝国勋章(MBE)成员,以表彰她对音乐的贡献。

Polly Jean Harvey于1969年10月9日出生在多塞特郡布里德波特,是Ray和Eva Harvey的第二个孩子。她的父母在Ham Hill拥有一个采石业务,那里有一个大型的铁器时代山堡遗址,她在科斯科姆的家庭农场长大。在童年时期,她就读于附近的Beaminster School,并从民谣歌手Steve Knightley那里接受吉他课程。她的父母向她介绍了后来对她的音乐产生影响的音乐,包括布鲁斯音乐、Captain Beefheart和Bob Dylan。她的父母是狂热的音乐爱好者,经常组织聚会和小型演出,伊恩·斯图尔特也是他们最老的朋友之一。

在青少年时期,Harvey开始学习萨克斯风,并加入了由作曲家Andrew Dickson组织的八人器乐团Bologne。她还是民谣二人组Polekats的吉他手,与他们一起创作了她最早期的作品。学校毕业后,她进入了Yeovil College,并参加了视觉艺术基础课程。

她会为每张专辑改变自己的外貌,通过改变着装或发型来创造独特的审美,这种审美延伸到专辑的各个方面,从专辑封面到现场表演。她与朋友和摄影师摄影师Maria Mochnacz密切合作,共同塑造每张专辑的视觉风格。例如,在《To Bring You My Love》时期,Harvey开始尝试改变形象,在现场表演中采用戏剧化的元素。她以简单的黑色紧身裤、高领毛衣和马丁靴的时尚风格被华丽的礼服、猫女装、假发和浓妆所取代。她还开始使用舞台道具,比如类似Ziggy Stardust的手电筒麦克风。她否认了戏剧、歌舞伎或表演艺术对她新形象的影响,她在1996年接受Spin杂志采访时亲切地称之为“Joan Crawford on acid”,但承认“那种既优雅又滑稽又令人厌恶的组合,吸引了我。我实际上觉得那样涂抹在脸上的妆容,非常美丽。也许这只是我扭曲的审美观。”然而,她后来告诉《Dazed & Confused》杂志,“那其实是一种面具。那比我以往任何时候都更像一种面具。那时候的我在个人方面非常迷茫。我完全没有自我意识了”,并且从未重复过《To Bring You My Love》巡回演出时的明显戏剧性。

在很小的时候,她父母向她介绍了布鲁斯音乐、爵士乐和艺术摇滚,这些音乐后来对她产生了影响:“我从小就听约翰·李·胡克、豪林沃尔夫、罗伯特·约翰逊和吉米·亨德里克斯,还有很多吉米·亨德里克斯和Captain Beefheart。所以我在很小的时候就接触到了这些非常有同情心的音乐家,这一直留在我心中,随着年龄的增长越来越显现出来。我认为我们年龄越大,是因为我们小时候知道的东西。”其他有影响的艺术家还有“妮娜·西蒙、滚石乐队,像这样的人我从小就听,但发现我重新回到了他们那里。”在她十几岁的时候,她开始听新浪潮和合成流行乐队,如Soft Cell、Duran Duran和Spandau Ballet,尽管后来她表示那是她“对抗父母唱片收藏的反叛阶段”。在她后来的十几岁时期,她成为Pixies的粉丝,然后听了Slint的音乐。她在谈到她的影响时提到了Bob Dylan和Neil Young。许多评论家将Harvey与Patti Smith相比较,但Harvey认为这是“懒惰的新闻报道”。然而,最近Harvey表示Smith是“非常令人振奋的,她对自己的音乐充满激情”。她还提到Siouxsie Sioux在现场表演方面的影响,说:“她在舞台上非常令人兴奋,充满能量和人类的原始质感”。她还从俄罗斯民间音乐、意大利电影配乐作曲家恩尼奥·莫里康内、古典作曲家如阿尔沃·帕特、埃里克·萨蒂、塞缪尔·巴伯和亨里克·戈雷茨基那里获得灵感。作为词曲创作人,Harvey提到了许多诗人、作家和词曲创作人对她的作品的影响,包括哈罗德·品特、T·S·艾略特、W·B·叶芝、詹姆斯·乔伊斯、特德·休斯以及当代作家如Shane MacGowan和Jez Butterworth。她在2022年的书籍《Orlam》和2023年的单曲《A Child's Question, August》中还提到了Elvis Presley。


音乐专辑:PJ Harvey(波莉·简·哈维)歌曲合辑
演唱艺人:PJ Harvey
本资源为英国创作型女歌手PJ Harvey(波莉·简·哈维)1992-2023年发行专辑、合辑、Demo辑、单曲合集[无损FLAC/7.20GB]百度网盘打包下载,所有专辑作压缩包处理,需要全部下载后解压欣赏。


1992 - Dry
01. Oh My Lover [3:57]
02. O Stella [2:37]
03. Dress [3:18]
04. Victory [3:16]
05. Happy and Bleeding [5:03]
06. Sheela-Na-Gig [3:12]
07. Hair [3:45]
08. Joe [2:36]
09. Plants and Rags [4:08]
10. Fountain [3:52]
11. Water [4:32]
1993 - Rid Of Me
01. Rid of Me [4:29]
02. Missed [4:26]
03. Legs [3:40]
04. Rub 'Til It Bleeds [5:03]
05. Hook [3:57]
06. Man-Size Sextet [2:19]
07. Highway 61 Revisited [2:57]
08. 50 ft Queenie [2:23]
09. Yuri-G [3:28]
10. Man-Size [3:16]
11. Dry [3:23]
12. Me-Jane [2:43]
13. Snake [1:37]
14. Ecstasy [4:27]
1995 - To Bring You My Love
01. To Bring You My Love [5:34]
02. Meet ze Monsta [3:29]
03. Working for the Man [4:49]
04. C'mon Billy [2:51]
05. Teclo [4:58]
06. Long Snake Moan [5:15]
07. Down by the Water [3:14]
08. I Think I'm a Mother [4:03]
09. Send His Love to Me [4:21]
10. The Dancer [4:06]
1998 - Is This Desire?
01. Angelene [3:34]
02. The Sky Lit up [1:53]
03. The Wind [4:01]
04. My Beautiful Leah [1:59]
05. A Perfect Day Elise [3:06]
06. Catherine [4:05]
07. Electric Light [3:04]
08. The Garden [4:13]
09. Joy [3:40]
10. The River [4:53]
11. No Girl So Sweet [2:45]
12. Is This Desire? [3:26]
2000 - Stories From The City, Stories From The Sea
01. Big Exit [3:51]
02. Good Fortune [3:20]
03. A Place Called Home [3:42]
04. One Line [3:14]
05. Beautiful Feeling [4:00]
06. The Whores Hustle and the Hustlers Whore [4:00]
07. The Mess We're in [3:57]
08. You Said Something [3:19]
09. Kamikaze [2:24]
10. This is Love [3:48]
11. Horses in My Dreams [5:37]
12. We Float [6:07]
2004 - Uh Huh Her
01. The Life and Death of Mr. Badmouth [4:53]
02. Shame [2:33]
03. Who the Fuck? [2:09]
04. Pocket Knife [3:44]
05. The Letter [3:23]
06. The Slow Drug [3:25]
07. No Child of Mine [1:08]
08. Cat on the Wall [3:04]
09. You Come Through [2:48]
10. It's You [4:14]
11. The End [1:23]
12. The Desperate Kingdom of Love [2:44]
13. Seagulls [1:11]
14. The Darker Days of Me & Him [4:35]
2007 - White Chalk
01. The Devil [2:57]
02. Dear Darkness [3:10]
03. Grow Grow Grow [3:23]
04. When Under Ether [2:25]
05. White Chalk [3:13]
06. Broken Harp [1:58]
07. Silence [3:11]
08. To Talk To You [4:00]
09. The Piano [2:36]
10. Before Departure [3:49]
11. The Mountain [3:11]
2011 - Let England Shake
01. Let England Shake [3:09]
02. The Last Living Rose [2:21]
03. The Glorious Land [3:35]
04. The Words That Maketh Murder [3:46]
05. All and Everyone [5:40]
06. On Battleship Hill [4:08]
07. England [3:11]
08. In the Dark Places [3:00]
09. Bitter Branches [2:30]
10. Hanging in the Wire [2:42]
11. Written on the Forehead [3:40]
12. The Colour of the Earth [2:34]
2016 - The Hope Six Demolition Project
01. The Community of Hope [2:24]
02. The Ministry of Defence [4:11]
03. A Line in the Sand [3:33]
04. Chain of Keys [3:09]
05. River Anacostia [4:56]
06. Near the Memorials to Vietnam and Lincoln [2:59]
07. The Orange Monkey [2:47]
08. Medicinals [2:19]
09. The Ministry of Social Affairs [4:11]
10. The Wheel [5:38]
11. Dollar, Dollar [5:34]
2019a - All About Eve (Original Music) (00:38:41)
01. Becoming (06:44)
02. Shimmer (02:09)
03. The Sandman (featuring Gillian Anderson) (02:09)
04. Waltz (03:03)
05. Descending (03:12)
06. Lieben (02:25)
07. Ascending (02:25)
08. Cadenza (01:06)
09. The Moth (featuring Lily James) (03:29)
10. Traume (02:15)
11. Arpeggio Waltz (02:11)
12. Change in C (02:01)
13. The Sandman (demo) (02:04)
14. The Moth (demo) (03:28)
2019b - All About Eve (Original Music - Bonus Tracks) [stream] (00:07:04)
picАудиокодек: FLAC (*.flac)
01. The Sandman (Demo) (02:03)
02. The Moth (Demo) (03:26)
03. The Sandman (Tom Gibbons Remix) (01:35)
2022 - Bad Sisters (Original Series Soundtrack) (w Tim Phillips) [web] (00:27:11)
01. Who by Fire (02:15)
02. Dark Side of the Moon (01:06)
03. They Did It (01:24)
04. Pick Up, Pick Up (04:06)
05. Cellar (03:15)
06. Shitty Volvo (01:06)
07. I Don't Need Luck (01:01)
08. Execution (01:34)
09. Barmaid Got It Wrong (01:10)
10. Back to the Boat (01:20)
11. Drugging the Prick (03:35)
12. Target Practice and Accident - You Can't Thank Me (02:28)
13. Run On (02:51)
2023 - I Inside the Old Year Dying (00:39:39)
01. Girl [1:29]
02. Rope Bridge Crossing [5:11]
03. City of No Sun [2:14]
04. That Was My Veil [3:02]
05. Urn with Dead Flowers in a Drained Pool [3:03]
06. Civil War Correspondant [4:24]
07. Taut [3:15]
08. Un Cercle Autour du Soleil [5:07]
09. Heela [3:19]
10. Is That All There is? [5:11]
11. Dance Hall at Louse Point [2:10]
12. Lost Fun Zone [1:28]

Collaborative albums with John Parish

John Parish and Polly Jean Harvey - 1996 - Dance Hall At Louse Point
01. Girl [1:29]
02. Rope Bridge Crossing [5:11]
03. City of No Sun [2:14]
04. That Was My Veil [3:02]
05. Urn with Dead Flowers in a Drained Pool [3:03]
06. Civil War Correspondant [4:24]
07. Taut [3:15]
08. Un Cercle Autour du Soleil [5:07]
09. Heela [3:19]
10. Is That All There is? [5:11]
11. Dance Hall at Louse Point [2:10]
12. Lost Fun Zone [1:28]
PJ Harvey & John Parish - 2009 - A Woman a Man Walked By
01. Black Hearted Love [4:40]
02. Sixteen, Fifteen, Fourteen [3:35]
03. Leaving California [3:56]
04. The Chair [2:29]
05. April [4:40]
06. A Woman A Man Walked By / The Crow Knows Where All The Little Children Go [4:47]
07. The Soldier [3:54]
08. Pig Will Not [3:49]
09. Passionless, Pointless [4:18]
10. Cracks In The Canvas [1:54]

Demo Albums

2020 - Dry – Demos (00:39:30)
01. Oh My Lover (02:31)
02. O Stella (03:16)
03. Dress (03:17)
04. Victory (04:20)
05. Happy & Bleeding (04:45)
06. Sheela-Na-Gig (03:15)
07. Hair (03:37)
08. Joe (03:17)
09. Plants & Rags (03:33)
10. Fountain (03:05)
11. Water (04:34)
2020 - To Bring You My Love - Demos (00:41:38)
01. To Bring You My Love (04:51)
02. Meet Ze Monsta (03:42)
03. Working For The Man (05:00)
04. C'mon Billy (02:59)
05. Teclo (04:28)
06. Long Snake Moan (05:37)
07. Down By The Water (03:06)
08. I Think I'm A Mother (03:55)
09. Send His Love To Me (03:49)
10. The Dancer (04:11)
2021 - Is This Desire? - Demos (00:39:26)
01. Angelene [Demo] (03:39)
02. The Sky Lit Up [Demo] (02:17)
03. The Wind [Demo] (03:17)
04. My Beautiful Leah [Demo] (02:01)
05. A Perfect Day Elise [Demo] (03:11)
06. Catherine [Demo] (03:36)
07. Electric Light [Demo] (03:02)
08. The Garden [Demo] (04:33)
09. Joy [Demo] (03:01)
10. The River [Demo] (04:53)
11. No Girl So Sweet [Demo] (02:53)
12. Is This Desire? [Demo] (03:03)
2021 - Stories From The City, Stories From The Sea - Demos (00:46:59)
01. Big Exit (03:55)
02. Good Fortune (03:21)
03. A Place Called Home (03:49)
04. One Line (03:18)
05. Beautiful Feeling (03:58)
06. The Whores Hustle and the Hustlers Whore (04:24)
07. This Mess We're In (03:32)
08. You Said Something (03:19)
09. Kamikaze (02:28)
10. This Is Love (03:50)
11. Horses in My Dreams (04:45)
12. We Float (06:20)
2021 - Uh Huh Her - Demos (00:31:10)
01. The Life and Death of Mr. Badmouth (04:55)
02. Shame (02:34)
03. Who the Fuck? (02:16)
04. The Pocket Knife (03:42)
05. The Letter (03:23)
06. The Slow Drug (03:19)
07. It’s You (03:44)
08. The Desperate Kingdom of Love (02:42)
09. The Darker Days of Me & Him (04:35)
2021 - White Chalk - Demos (00:34:01)
01. The Devil (02:39)
02. Dear Darkness (03:09)
03. Grow Grow Grow (03:22)
04. When Under Ether (02:25)
05. White Chalk (03:45)
06. Broken Harp (02:00)
07. Silence (02:46)
08. To Talk to You (04:25)
09. The Piano (02:42)
10. Before Departure (03:39)
11. The Mountain (03:09)
2022 - Let England Shake - Demos (00:40:02)
01. Let England Shake (demo) (03:31)
02. The Last Living Rose (demo) (02:00)
03. The Glorious Land (demo) (03:21)
04. The Words That Maketh Murder (demo) (03:54)
05. All and Everyone (demo) (05:23)
06. On Battleship Hill (demo) (03:45)
07. England (demo) (03:16)
08. In the Dark Places (demo) (03:22)
09. Bitter Branches (demo) (02:50)
10. Hanging in the Wire (demo) (02:42)
11. Written on the Forehead (demo) (03:21)
12. The Colour of the Earth (demo) (02:37)
2022 - The Hope Six Demolition Project - Demos (00:35:42)
01. The Community Of Hope (Demo) (02:00)
02. The Ministry Of Defence (Demo) (03:55)
03. A Line In The Sand (Demo) (03:49)
04. Chain Of Keys (Demo) (03:31)
05. River Anacostia (Demo) (03:08)
06. Near The Memorials To Vietnam And Lincoln (Demo) (02:59)
07. The Orange Monkey (Demo) (03:22)
08. Medicinals (Demo) (02:35)
09. The Ministry Of Social Affairs (Demo) (02:59)
10. The Wheel (Demo) (03:57)
11. Dollar, Dollar (Demo) (03:27)

Compilation albums

1993 - 4-Track Demos
01. Rid of Me [3:42]
02. Legs [3:50]
03. Reeling [2:59]
04. Snake [1:58]
05. Hook [4:32]
06. 50 ft Queenie [2:48]
07. Driving [2:39]
08. Ecstasy [2:58]
09. Hardly Wait [2:48]
10. Rub 'Til It Bleeds [5:12]
11. Easy [3:16]
12. M-Bike [2:43]
13. Yuri-G [3:53]
14. Goodnight [4:18]
2006 - The Peel Sessions 1991-2004
01. Oh My Lover [3:55]
02. Victory [3:33]
03. Sheela-Na-Gig [3:24]
04. Water [4:30]
05. Naked Cousin [4:09]
06. Wang Dang Doodle [3:20]
07. Losing Ground [3:00]
08. Snake [1:56]
09. That Was My Veil [3:07]
10. This Wicked Tongue [3:46]
11. Beautiful Feeling [3:55]
12. You Come Through [3:18]
2022 - B-Sides, Demos & Rarities (03:18:45)
CD 1
01 - Dry (Demo) [00:03:39]
02 - Man-Size (Demo) [00:03:26]
03 - Missed (Demo) [00:04:05]
04 - Highway '61 Revisited (Demo) [00:03:14]
05 - Me-Jane (Demo) [00:02:58]
06 - Daddy [00:03:19]
07 - Lying In The Sun [00:04:30]
08 - Somebody's Down, Somebody's Name [00:03:42]
09 - Darling Be There [00:03:48]
10 - Maniac [00:04:04]
11 - One Time Too Many [00:02:55]
12 - Harder [00:02:07]
13 - Naked Cousin (Demo) [00:04:01]
14 - Losing Ground [00:03:18]
15 - Who Will Love Me Now_ [00:05:21]
16 - Why D'Ya Go To Cleveland [00:03:15]
CD 2
01 - Instrumental #1 [00:01:11]
02 - The Northwood [00:01:59]
03 - The Bay [00:03:13]
04 - Sweeter Than Anything [00:03:13]
05 - Instrumental #3 [00:01:07]
06 - The Faster I Breathe The Further I Go (4-Track Version) [00:04:03]
07 - Nina In Ecstasy 2 [00:02:18]
08 - Rebecca [00:03:13]
09 - Instrumental #2 [00:01:49]
10 - This Wicked Tongue [00:03:46]
11 - Memphis [00:03:54]
12 - 30 [00:04:17]
13 - 66 Promises [00:03:49]
14 - As Close As This [00:02:42]
15 - My Own Private Revolution [00:03:58]
16 - Kick It To The Ground (4-Track Demo) [00:03:18]
17 - The Falling [00:03:54]
18 - The Phone Song [00:04:13]
19 - Bows & Arrows [00:03:47]
20 - Angel [00:03:58]
21 - Stone [00:03:44]
CD 3
01 - 97º [00:02:55]
02 - Dance [00:03:02]
03 - Cat On The Wall (Demo) [00:02:47]
04 - You Come Through (Demo) [00:02:50]
05 - Uh Huh Her (Demo) [00:03:02]
06 - Evol (Demo) [00:03:58]
07 - Wait [00:02:17]
08 - Heaven [00:03:20]
09 - Liverpool Tide [00:02:45]
10 - The Big Guns Called Me Back Again [00:02:47]
11 - The Nightingale [00:04:16]
12 - Shaker Aamer [00:02:51]
13 - Guilty (Demo) [00:04:50]
14 - I'll Be Waiting (Demo) [00:03:25]
15 - Homo Sappy Blues (Demo) [00:02:22]
16 - The Age Of The Dollar (Demo) [00:03:13]
17 - The Camp [00:04:35]
18 - An Acre Of Land [00:06:20]
19 - The Crowded Cell (From _The Virtues_ Television Series) [00:03:10]
20 - The Sandman (Demo) [00:02:06]
21 - The Moth (Demo) [00:03:29]
22 - Red Right Hand [00:02:52]


1991 - Dress [stream] (00:11:29)
01. Dress (03:18)
02. Water (04:35)
03. Dry (03:36)
1992 - Sheela-na-gig [stream] (00:10:11)
01. Sheela-na-gig (03:12)
02. Hair (03:39)
03. Joe (03:20)
2016 - Guilty [stream] (00:03:55)
01. Guilty (03:55)
2016 - The Wheel [stream] (00:09:37)
01. The Wheel (05:38)
02. The Wheel (edit) (03:59)
2017 - A Dog Called Money / I'll Be Waiting [stream] (00:05:55)
01. A Dog Called Money (02:27)
02. I'll Be Waiting (03:28)
2017 - The Camp (w Ramy Essam) [stream] (00:04:34)
01. The Camp (04:34)
2019 - Red Right Hand (From 'Peaky Blinders' Original Soundtrack) [stream] (00:02:51)
01. Red Right Hand (From 'Peaky Blinders' Original Soundtrack) (02:51)
2019 - The Crowded Cell (From 'The Virtues' Original Soundtrack) [stream] (00:03:11)
01. The Crowded Cell (03:11)
