Rancid是一支于1991年在加利福尼亚州伯克利组成的美国朋克摇滚乐队。由Tim Armstrong和Matt Freeman创立,他们曾是Operation Ivy乐队的成员,Rancid常被认为(与Green Day和The Offspring并列)是在1990年代中期重新唤起美国朋克摇滚主流兴趣的乐队之一。在其32年的职业生涯中,Rancid保持了其原始粉丝群,大部分与其地下音乐根源有关。

自成立以来,Rancid经历了两次阵容变动,但Tim Armstrong和Matt Freeman一直是持续的成员。目前的阵容包括吉他和主唱的Armstrong,贝斯和主唱的Freeman,吉他和主唱的Lars Frederiksen,以及鼓手Branden Steineckert。乐队由Armstrong、Freeman和前鼓手Brett Reed组成,后者在2006年离开乐队,由Steineckert接替。这个阵容录制了他们的第一张专辑,并在随后的巡回演出中加入了Frederiksen。

截至目前,Rancid已经发布了十张录音室专辑,一张分拆专辑,一张合集,两张迷你专辑,以及一系列仅在线发布的现场专辑,并在许多合集专辑中有过亮眼表现。乐队在全球销售了超过四百万张唱片,使其成为有史以来最成功的朋克摇滚乐队之一。1994年,乐队凭借第二张录音室专辑《Let's Go》一举成名,其中单曲《Salvation》备受瞩目。在接下来的一年里,Rancid发布了极为成功的专辑《...And Out Come the Wolves》,其中包括最为著名的歌曲《Roots Radicals》、《Ruby Soho》和《Time Bomb》,并由美国唱片工业协会认证为金唱片和白金唱片,仅在美国就销售了一百万多张。其后的六张专辑——《Life Won't Wait》(1998年)、《Rancid》(2000年)、《Indestructible》(2003年)、《Let the Dominoes Fall》(2009年)、《...Honor Is All We Know》(2014年)和《Trouble Maker》(2017年)——也受到了评论的好评,尽管商业上没有《...And Out Come the Wolves》那样成功。乐队于2023年发布了他们的第十张专辑《Tomorrow Never Comes》。




1993 - Rancid 1993
Rancid - Rancid
Rancid - Rancid.cue
1994 - Bloodclot - E.P
Rancid - Bloodclot
Rancid - Bloodclot.cue
1994 - Let's Go
Rancid - Let's Go
Rancid - Let's Go.cue
1994 - Roots Radicals - E.P
Rancid - Roots Radicals
Rancid - Roots Radicals.cue
1995 - ...And Out Come The Wolves
Rancid - ...And Out Come the Wolves
Rancid - ...And Out Come the Wolves.cue
1995 - Time Bomb - E.P
Rancid - Time Bomb
Rancid - Time Bomb.cue
1998 - Life Won't Wait
Rancid - Life Won't Wait
Rancid - Life Won't Wait.cue
2000 - Let Me Go - E.P
Rancid - Let me go
Rancid - Let me go.cue
2000 - Rancid 2000
Rancid - Rancid
Rancid - Rancid.cue
2002 - BYO Split Series vol.3
Rancid NOFX - BYO Split Series Volume III
Rancid NOFX - BYO Split Series Volume III.cue
2003 - Fall Back Down - E.P
Rancid - Fall Back Down (CD Single)
Rancid - Fall Back Down (CD Single).cue
2003 - Indestructible
Rancid - Indestructible
Rancid - Indestructible.cue
2007 - B sides And C sides
RANCID - B sides and C sides
RANCID - B sides and C sides.cue
2009 - Let The Dominoes Fall (2CD)
Let The Dominoes Fall
RANCID - Let The Dominoes Fall
RANCID - Let The Dominoes Fall.cue
Let The Dominoes Fall Acoustic
Rancid - Let The Dominoes Fall Acoustic
Rancid - Let The Dominoes Fall Acoustic.cue
2014 - Honor Is All We Know (Japan Edition)
01 - Back Where I Belong
02 - Raise Your Fist
03 - Collision Course
04 - Evil's My Friend
05 - Honor Is All We Know
06 - A Power Inside
07 - In The Streets
08 - Face Up
09 - Already Dead
10 - Diabolical
11 - Malfunction
12 - Now We're Through With You
13 - Everybody's Sufferin'
14 - Grave Digger
15 - Breakdown
16 - Something To Believe In A World Gone Mad
17 - Turn In Your Badge
18 - Rancid's Barmy Army
Honor Is All We Know (Japan Edition).cue
Rancid - Honor Is All We Know (Japan Edition).m3u
2015 - All The Moon Stomper's
01 Time Bomb
02 Daly City Train
03 Old Friend
04 Brixton
05 I Wanna Riot
06 Life Won't Wait
07 Hooligans
08 Crane Fist
09 Cocktails
10 Wrongful Suspicion
11 Corazon De Oro
12 Stop
13 Things To Come
14 Red Hot Moon
15 Memphis
16 Up To No Good
17 I Ain't Worried
18 Liberty & Freedom
19 That's Just the Way It Is Now
Rancid - All the Moon Stomper's.cue
2017 - Trouble Maker (Deluxe Edition) [24-44]
01. Track Fast
02. Ghost Of A Chance
03. Telegraph Avenue
04. An Intimate Close Up Of A Street Punk Trouble Maker
05. Where I m Going
06. Buddy
07. Farewell Lola Blue
08. All American Neighborhood
09. Bovver Rock And Roll
10. Make It Out Alive
11. Molly Make Up Your Mind
12. I Got Them Blues Again
13. Beauty Of The Pool Hall
14. Say Goodbye To Our Heroes
15. I Kept A Promise
16. Cold Cold Blood
17. This Is Not The End
18. We Arrived Right On Time (Bonus)
19. Go On Rise Up (Bonus)
2023 - Tomorrow Never Comes (24bit-96kHz)
01 Tomorrow Never Comes
02 Mud, Blood, & Gold
03 Devil In Disguise
04 New American
05 The Bloody & Violent History
06 Don't Make Me Do It
07 It's a Road to Righteousness
08 Live Forever
09 Drop Dead Inn
10 Prisoners Song
11 Magnificent Rogue
12 One Way Ticket
13 Hellbound Train
14 Eddie the Butcher
15 Hear Us Out
16 When The Smoke Clears

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