
洛佩兹起初是一名舞者,在1991年首次登上电视荧屏,担任喜剧综艺节目《活色生香》中的一名Fly Girl。后来,她决定追求演艺事业,在主演电影《塞琳娜》(1997年)、《巨蟒惊魂》(1997年)和《望而却步》(1998年)中崭露头角,成为收入最高的拉丁裔女演员。她在音乐界的发展始于1999年的首张录音室专辑《On the 6》。随后,她凭借第二张录音室专辑《J.Lo》和浪漫喜剧电影《婚礼策划师》(2001年)成为美国首位同时拥有冠军专辑和电影的女性。此后,她以出演浪漫喜剧电影闻名,包括《曼哈顿情人》(2002年)、《愿得一人心》(2004年)和《婆媳大战》(2005年)。

2002年,洛佩兹发行了两张专辑:《J to tha L–O! The Remixes》和《This Is Me... Then》,前者成为历史上首张登顶美国《公告牌》200强专辑榜的混音专辑。媒体对她个人生活的关注以及电影《吉格利》(2003年)的失败导致了她事业的低谷。她后续的专辑包括《Rebirth》(2005年)和《Como Ama una Mujer》(2007年),后者是美国首张首周销量最高的西班牙语专辑。2011年,洛佩兹因担任《美国偶像》评委而再次受到关注,并发布了第七张录音室专辑《Love?》。从2016年到2018年,她进行了一场音乐会巡回演出《珍妮弗·洛佩兹:我的一切》,并出演了警匪剧《蓝色警戒》。随后,她担任了《舞林争霸》(2017–2020)的评委,并因在犯罪剧情片《Hustlers》(2019年)中扮演一名脱衣舞娘而受到了好评。洛佩兹的第九张录音室专辑《This Is Me... Now》于2024年2月发布。

洛佩兹的单曲销量超过8千万张,其中最成功的单曲包括《If You Had My Love》、《Waiting for Tonight》、《Love Don't Cost a Thing》、《I'm Real》、《Ain't It Funny》、《Jenny from the Block》、《All I Have》、《Get Right》和《On the Floor》等。她荣获的奖项包括好莱坞星光大道星星、《公告牌》音乐奖图标奖和迈克尔·杰克逊录影带终身成就奖。2012年,福布斯将她评为全球最具影响力的名人,并将其列为全球最具影响力的女性之一。《时代》杂志将她列入2018年全球百大影响人物之一。她的其他事业包括美妆和服装品牌、香水、制作公司和慈善基金。


音乐专辑:Jennifer Lopez(詹妮弗·洛佩兹)歌曲合集
演唱艺人:Jennifer Lopez(詹妮弗·洛佩兹)
本资源为美国歌手Jennifer Lopez(詹妮弗·洛佩兹)1999-2024年发行专辑、单曲合集[无损FLAC/11.2GB]百度云盘打包下载,所有专辑作压缩包处理,需要全部下载后解压欣赏。


(1999) Jennifer Lopez - If You Had My Love [16Bit-44.1kHz]
(1999) Jennifer Lopez - On The 6 [16Bit-44.1kHz]
(1999) Jennifer Lopez - Waiting For Tonight [16Bit-44.1kHz]
(2000) Jennifer Lopez - Feelin' So Good [16Bit-44.1kHz]
(2000) Jennifer Lopez - Let's Get Loud [16Bit-44.1kHz]
(2001) Jennifer Lopez - J.Lo [16Bit-44.1kHz]
(2001) Jennifer Lopez - Play [16Bit-44.1kHz]
(2001) Jennifer Lopez - Qué Ironía (Remixes) [16Bit-44.1kHz]
(2002) Jennifer Lopez - All I Have [16Bit-44.1kHz]
(2002) Jennifer Lopez - J To Tha L-O! The Remixes [16Bit-44.1kHz]
(2002) Jennifer Lopez - This Is Me...Then [16Bit-44.1kHz]
(2003) Jennifer Lopez - The Reel Me [16Bit-44.1kHz]
(2005) Jennifer Lopez - Get Right Remix EP [16Bit-44.1kHz]
(2005) Jennifer Lopez - Hold You Down [16Bit-44.1kHz]
(2005) Jennifer Lopez - Rebirth [16Bit-44.1kHz]
(2006) LL COOL J - Control Myself (Extended Dance Remixes (Exclusive Bonus Tracks)) [16Bit-44.1kHz]
(2007) Jennifer Lopez - Brave [16Bit-44.1kHz]
(2007) Jennifer Lopez - Como Ama Una Mujer [16Bit-44.1kHz]
(2007) Jennifer Lopez - Do It Well [16Bit-44.1kHz]
(2007) Jennifer Lopez - Qué Hiciste (Radio Edit) [16Bit-44.1kHz]
(2007) Jennifer Lopez - Qué Hiciste [16Bit-44.1kHz]
(2008) Jennifer Lopez - Hold It Don't Drop It [16Bit-44.1kHz]
(2011) Jennifer Lopez - I'm Into You (Remixes) [16Bit-44.1kHz]
(2011) Jennifer Lopez - LOVE (Deluxe Edition) [16Bit-44.1kHz]
(2011) Jennifer Lopez - Love [16Bit-44.1kHz]
(2011) Jennifer Lopez - On The Floor (Radio Edit) [16Bit-44.1kHz]
(2011) Jennifer Lopez - Papi (Remixes) [16Bit-44.1kHz]
(2011) will.i.am - T.H.E (The Hardest Ever) (Clean Edit) [16Bit-44.1kHz]
(2011) will.i.am - T.H.E (The Hardest Ever) (Explicit Version) [16Bit-44.1kHz]
(2012) Jennifer Lopez - Bailar Nada Más (Dance Again - Spanish Version) [16Bit-44.1kHz]
(2012) Jennifer Lopez - Dance Again...The Hits [16Bit-44.1kHz]
(2012) Jennifer Lopez - Goin' In (Remixes) [16Bit-44.1kHz]
(2012) Jennifer Lopez - Goin' In [16Bit-44.1kHz]
(2012) Wisin Yandel - Follow The Leader [16Bit-44.1kHz]
(2013) Jennifer Lopez - Live It Up (feat. Pitbull) [16Bit-44.1kHz]
(2013) Jennifer Lopez - Live It Up [16Bit-44.1kHz]
(2014) Jennifer Lopez - A.K.A. (Deluxe) [16Bit-44.1kHz]
(2014) Jennifer Lopez - A.K.A. [16Bit-44.1kHz]
(2014) Jennifer Lopez - Booty (Bali Bandits Remix) [16Bit-44.1kHz]
(2014) Jennifer Lopez - Booty (DaaHype Remix) [16Bit-44.1kHz]
(2014) Jennifer Lopez - Booty (JoeySuki Remix) [16Bit-44.1kHz]
(2014) Jennifer Lopez - Booty (Vice Remix) [16Bit-44.1kHz]
(2014) Jennifer Lopez - Booty [16Bit-44.1kHz]
(2014) Jennifer Lopez - Girls [16Bit-44.1kHz]
(2014) Jennifer Lopez - Same Girl [16Bit-44.1kHz]
(2014) Pitbull - We Are One (Ole Ola) [The Official 2014 FIFA World Cup Song] (Olodum Mix) [16Bit-44.1kHz]
(2014) Pitbull - We Are One (Ole Ola) [The Official 2014 FIFA World Cup Song] (Opening Ceremony Version) [16Bit-44.1kHz]
(2015) Jennifer Lopez - A Selena Tribute Como La Flor Bidi Bidi Bom Bom Amor Prohibido I Could Fall In Love No Me Queda Mas [16Bit-44.1kHz]
(2015) Jennifer Lopez - Feel The Light (From The Home Soundtrack) [16Bit-44.1kHz]
(2015) Jennifer Lopez - Mayor Es el Que Esta Contigo [16Bit-44.1kHz]
(2015) Prince Royce - Back It Up (Spanish Version) [24Bit-44.1kHz]
(2015) Prince Royce - Back It Up (Video Version) [24Bit-44.1kHz]
(2016) Jennifer Lopez - Ain't Your Mama [24Bit-44.1kHz]
(2016) Jennifer Lopez - Olvídame y Pega la Vuelta (Tropical Version) [24Bit-44.1kHz]
(2016) Jennifer Lopez - Olvídame y Pega la Vuelta [24Bit-44.1kHz]
(2017) Jennifer Lopez - Amor, Amor, Amor [24Bit-96kHz]
(2017) Jennifer Lopez - Ni Tú Ni Yo [24Bit-96kHz]
(2018) Jennifer Lopez - Dinero (CADE Remix) [16Bit-44.1kHz]
(2018) Jennifer Lopez - Dinero [16Bit-44.1kHz]
(2018) Jennifer Lopez - El Anillo (Remix) [24Bit-44.1kHz]
(2018) Jennifer Lopez - El Anillo [24Bit-44.1kHz]
(2018) Jennifer Lopez - Limitless from the Movie Second Act [24Bit-44.1kHz]
(2018) Jennifer Lopez - Te Guste [24Bit-96kHz]
(2018) Jennifer Lopez - Us [16Bit-44.1kHz]
(2019) Jennifer Lopez - Baila Conmigo [24Bit-48kHz]
(2019) Jennifer Lopez - Medicine (Steve Aoki from the Block Remix) [16Bit-44.1kHz]
(2019) Jennifer Lopez - Medicine Remixes [16Bit-44.1kHz]
(2019) Jennifer Lopez - Medicine [16Bit-44.1kHz]
(2020) Jennifer Lopez - If You Had My Love (Cyber Jungle Remix) [24Bit-44.1kHz]
(2020) Jennifer Lopez - In The Morning [16Bit-44.1kHz]
(2020) Jennifer Lopez - Pa Ti + Lonely [24Bit-44.1kHz]
(2021) Jennifer Lopez - Cambia el Paso [24Bit-44.1kHz]
(2021) Jennifer Lopez - On My Way (Marry Me) [24Bit-44.1kHz]
(2022) Jennifer Lopez - Marry Me (Kat & Bastian Duet) [24Bit-44.1kHz]
(2022) Jennifer Lopez - Marry Me (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) [24Bit-44.1kHz]
(2022) Jennifer Lopez - On My Way (Marry Me) (David Solomon Remix) [24Bit-44.1kHz]
(2022) Jennifer Lopez - On My Way (Marry Me) (TELYKast Remix) [24Bit-44.1kHz]
(2022) Jennifer Lopez - Same Girl (Halftime Remix) [24Bit-44.1kHz]
(2022) Jennifer Lopez - This Is Me...Then (20th Anniversary Edition) [FLAC]
(2022) Jennifer Lopez - This Land Is Your Land (2021 Inauguration) [24Bit-48kHz]
(2024) Jennifer Lopez - This Is Me...Now (Deluxe) [24Bit-44.1kHz]

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