Kaki King,本名Katherine Elizabeth King,1979年8月24日出生于美国,是一位杰出的吉他手和作曲家。她以打击感强烈和融合爵士风格的旋律、充满活力的现场表演、多种调弦方式的运用及她在各种音乐流派中的多样表现而闻名。


Kaki King是家中的长女,从小就展现出非凡的音乐天赋。她的父亲早早注意到她的音乐才能,并鼓励她学习音乐。她四岁时便开始接触吉他,但几岁后转向了鼓,并在青少年时期主要以鼓作为她的乐器。


高中毕业于亚特兰大的Westminster Schools后,King和好友Morgan Jahnig一同进入纽约大学。在大学期间,她重新拾起吉他,回归童年时钟爱的指弹技巧,并跟随吉他教授Bill Rayner学习。此后,她在纽约市的地铁站进行街头演出,积累了丰富的现场演出经验。


2006年2月,《滚石》杂志发布了“新吉他之神”的名单,Kaki King是唯一入选的女性艺术家,也是最年轻的入选者。这一荣誉标志着她职业生涯的重要转折点。King的职业生涯包括六张LP专辑和两张EP专辑,她还为多部电视和电影配乐,与Eddie Vedder和Michael Brook共同为Sean Penn的电影《荒野生存》制作了原声音乐,并获得金球奖最佳原创配乐提名。


King的音乐风格融合了打击乐和爵士元素,尤其擅长使用指弹、拍弦和低音技术,将吉他作为打击乐器来创造丰富的声音层次和循环。她的演奏风格常被拿来与Michael Hedges和Preston Reed相提并论,其中Reed对她的影响尤为显著。King使用Elixir Strings品牌的琴弦,特别是她的定制Ovation Adamas吉他上的Acoustic Light Guitar Strings,并且是该品牌的签约艺术家。


2005年,Kaki King结束了她的《Legs to Make Us Longer》巡演后,决定转变音乐方向,不再仅限于独奏演奏家。她与索尼/史诗唱片公司友好分手,回到原来的唱片公司Velour,开始制作第三张专辑《...Until We Felt Red》。这张专辑于2006年8月8日发行,由Tortoise乐队的John McEntire担任制作。专辑中电吉他和效果器的突出使用,使音乐网站The A.V. Club称之为“后摇滚的改造”。

2007年初,Dave Grohl邀请King参与Foo Fighters即将发行的专辑《Echoes, Silence, Patience & Grace》中的一首曲目《Ballad of the Beaconsfield Miners》。King欣然接受并在专辑中被列为吉他手。同年11月18日,她在伦敦O2竞技场与Dave Grohl同台演出该曲目,Grohl对她的表现给予了高度评价。

Kaki King作为一名多才多艺的吉他演奏家和作曲家,以其独特的音乐风格和卓越的演奏技巧,在国际音乐界占据了一席之地。她的音乐不仅富有创意,还充满了情感和技术的融合。未来,King将继续在音乐的道路上探索,不断推陈出新,为听众带来更多精彩的作品。她的音乐之旅远未结束,期待她在未来带来更多令人惊叹的音乐体验。


音乐专辑:Kaki King(卡基·金)歌曲合集
演唱艺人:Kaki King(卡基·金)
本资源为美国吉他女神Kaki King(卡基·金)2003-2021年发行专辑、单曲合集[无损FLAC/5.20GB]百度云盘打包下载,所有专辑作压缩包处理,需要全部下载后解压欣赏。


2003 - Everybody Loves You
01. Kewpie Station
02. Steamed Little Juicy Bun
03. Carmine Street
04. Night After Sidewalk
05. Happy as a Dead Pig in the Sunshine
06. The Exhibition
07. Close Your Eyes & You'll Burst into Flame
08. Joi
09. Everybody Loves You
10. Fortuna
2004 - Legs to Make us Longer (Album Version)
01. Frame (Album Version)
02. Playing with Pink Noise (Album Version)
03. Ingots (Album Version)
04. Doing the Wrong Thing (Album Version)
05. Solipsist (Album Version)
06. Neanderthal (Album Version)
07. Can the Gwot Save Us (Album Version)
08. Lies (Album Version)
09. All the Landslides Birds Have Seen Since the Beginning of the World (Album Version)
10. Magazine (Album Version)
11. My Insect Life (Album Version)
2006 - Until We Felt Red
01. Yellowcake
02. Until We Felt Red
03. You Don't Have to Be Afraid
04. Goby
05. Jessica
06. First Brain
07. I Never Said I Love You
08. Ahuvati
09. These Are the Armies of the Tyrannized
10. Second Brain
11. Soft Shoulder
12. The Footsteps Die out Forever
13. Gay Sons of Lesbian Mothers
2008 - Dreaming of Revenge
01. Bone Chaos in the Castle
02. Life Being What It Is
03. Sad American
04. Pull Me out Alive
05. Montreal
06. Open Mouth
07. So Much for so Little
08. Saving Days in a Frozen Head
09. Air and Kilometers
10. Can Anyone Who Has Heard This Music Really Be a Bad Person
11. 2 O'clock
2010 - Junior [E]
01. The Betrayer
02. Spit It Back in My Mouth
03. Everything Has an End, Even Sadness
04. Falling Day
05. The Hoopers of Hudspeth
06. My Nerves That Committed Suicide
07. Communist Friends
08. Hallucinations from My Poisonous German Streets
09. Death Head
10. Sloan Shore
11. Sunnyside
12. I've Enjoyed as Much as I Can Stand
13. Close to Me
2012 - Glow
01. Great Round Burn
02. Streetlight in the Egg
03. Bowen Island
04. Cargo Cult
05. Kelvinator, Kelvinator
06. Fences
07. No True Masterpiece Will Ever Be Complete
08. Holding the Severed Self
09. Skimming the Fractured Surface to a Place of Endless Light
10. King Pizel
11. The Fire Eater
12. Marche Slav
2014 - Everybody Glows - B-Sides & Rarities
01. Sunrise at Wildflower Hill Retirement Center
02. Zamzam Well
03. Anthem for the Earnest
04. Sad American (Live)
05. Tunnel
06. Goby (Live) [feat. Dan Brantigan & Matt Hankle]
07. Waltz for the Alone
08. So Much for so Little (Demo)
09. Close to Me
10. Hairs
11. Brazilian With Drums (feat. Dave Treut)
12. Old Crow and the Miner’s Daughter
13. L Train 1st Ave Low
14. Lovestoned
15. Zeitgeist
16. Meserole (feat. Dave Treut)
2015 - The Neck Is a Bridge to the Body
01. In the Beginning
02. Thoughts Are Born
03. Notes and Colours
04. Oobleck
05. Anthropomorph
06. The Surface Changes
07. Trying to Speak I (feat. Ethel)
08. Trying to Speak II (feat. Ethel)
09. It Runs and Breathes
10. Battle Is a Learning
11. We Did Not Make the Instrument, the Instrument Made Us
2020 - Modern Yesterdays
01. Default Shell
02. Can't Touch This or That or You or My Face
03. Teek
04. Godchild
05. Rhythmic Tiny Sand Ball Patterns
06. Puzzle Me-You
07. Final State
08. Lorlir
09. Sanitized, Alone
10. Sei sei
11. Forms of Light and Death (Arr. Ú. Hansson)
2008-10-28 - Close To Me (Perfect As Cats Version)
2020-05-21 - Teek
2020-09-18 - Forms of Light and Death
2020-10-09 - Can't Touch This or That or You or My Face
2021-05-07 - Can't Touch This or That or You or My Face (Arthur Moon Remix)

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