Armored Saint,这个名字在美国重金属乐坛上有着不可忽视的地位,他们在1982年于阳光明媚的加州洛杉矶诞生。从1990年开始,乐队主要由四位成员构成:主唱约翰·布什,贝斯手乔伊·维拉,吉他手杰夫·邓肯以及负责鼓和吉他的桑多瓦尔兄弟(Gonzo 和 Phil)。在现行的阵容中,布什和维拉是乐队的核心人物。至今,他们已经推出了八张录音室专辑,一张EP,两张现场专辑以及一张精选辑。

作为洛杉矶的重金属音乐先锋,Armored Saint在1980年代取得了显著的成就。他们在1983年发行了首张同名EP,并紧接着推出了三张录音室专辑,分别是1984年的《March of the Saint》、1985年的《Delirious Nomad》以及1987年的《Raising Fear》。然而,在1991年发行第四张录音室专辑《Symbol of Salvation》之前,乐队因为唱片公司的问题和原吉他手戴夫·普里查德在1990年因患白血病去世,乐队一度陷入低谷。1992年,当布什加入Anthrax取代Joey Belladonna后,Saint暂时解散。然而在1999年,他们重新组队并继续他们的音乐之路,继续巡演和录制新的音乐作品。


音乐专辑:Armored Saint歌曲合辑
演唱艺人:Armored Saint
本资源为美国重金属乐队Armored Saint1984-2020年发行专辑、精选辑、EP合集[无损FLAC/5.46GB]百度云盘打包下载,所有专辑作压缩包处理,需要全部下载后解压欣赏。


1984 - March Of The Saint [2006, UK]
01 March Of The Saint
02 Can U Deliver
03 Mad House
04 Take A Turn
05 Seducer
06 Mutiny On The World
07 Glory Hunter
08 Stricken By Fate
09 Envy
10 False Alarm
11 March of The Saint (Demo)
12 Seducer (Demo)
13 Mutiny On The World (Demo)
1985 - Delirious Nomad [2011, UK]
01 Long Before I Die
02 Nervous Man
03 Over The Edge
04 The Laugh
05 Conqueror
06 For The Sake Of Heaviness
07 Aftermath
08 In The Hole
09 You're Never Alone
10 Released
11 The Laugh (Demo) (Bonus)
12 You're Never Alone (Basic Track Rough Mix) (Bonus)
1987 - Raising Fear [1995, USA]
01 Raising Fear
02 Saturday Night Special
03 Out on a Limb
04 Isolation
05 Chemical Euphoria
06 Crisis of Life
07 Frozen Will / Legacy
08 Human Vulture
09 Book of Blood
10 Terror
11 Underdogs
1988 - Saints Will Conquer [1994, Greece]
01 Raising Fear
02 Nervous Man
03 Chemical Euphoria
04 Book of Blood
05 Can U Deliver
06 Long Before I Die
07 Madhouse
08 No Reason To Live
1991 - Symbol Of Salvation [2012, 3CD, USA]
01 Reign Of Fire
02 Dropping Like Flies03 Last Train Home
04 Tribal Dance
05 The Truth Always Hurts06 Half Drawn Bridge
07 Another Day
08 Symbol of Salvation09 Hanging Judge
10 Warzone
11 Burning Question
12 Tainted Past
13 Spineless
Interview With Brian Slagel: Now What?Continued
02 Interview With Brian Slagel: Pick Up the Pieces
03 Interview With Brian Slagel: Dave Jerden
04 Interview With Brian Slagel: Choosing the Songs and the Recording Process
05 Interview With Brian Slagel: The Songs: Reign of Fire
06 Interview With Brian Slagel: Dropping Like Flies
07 Interview With Brian Slagel:Last Train Home
08 Interview With Brian Slagel: Tribal Dance
09 Interview With Brian Slagel: The Truth Always Hurts
10 Interview With Brian Slagel: Half Drawn Bridge
11 Interview With Brian Slagel: Another Day
12 Interview With Brian Slagel: Symbol of Salvation
13 Interview With Brian Slagel: Hanging Judge
14 Interview With Brian Slagel: Warzone
15 Interview With Brian Slagel: Burning Question
16 Interview With Brian Slagel: Tainted Past
17 Interview With Brian Slagel: Spineless
18 Interview With Brian Slagel: Mixing
19 Interview With Brian Slagel: Cover Art
20 Interview With Brian Slagel: Looking Back
21 Interview With Brian Slagel: Goodbye and Thank You
01 Reign of Fire (demo)
02 Dropping Like Flies (demo)
03 Last Train Home (demo)
04 Tribal Dance (demo)
05 The Truth Always Hurts (demo)
06 Another Day (demo)
07 Symbol of Salvation (demo)
08 Hanging Judge (demo)
09 Warzone (demo)
10 Burning Question (demo)
11 Tainted Past (demo)
12 Spineless (demo)
13 Interview With Brian Slagel: Intro
14 Interview With Brian Slagel: The Writing Process Begins
15 Interview With Brian Slagel: illness Hits Home
16 Interview With Brian Slagel: Now What?
2000 - Revelation [Japan]
01 Pay Dirt
02 The Pillar
03 After Me, the Flood
04 Tension
05 Creepy Feelings
06 Damaged
07 Den of Thieves
08 Control issues
09 No Me Digas10 Deep Rooted Anger
11 What's Your Pleasure
12 Upon My Departure
13 shadows
2001 - Nod To The Old School
01 - Real Swagger
02 - Unstable
03 - March of the Saint
04 - Day of the Eagle
05 - Never Satisfied
06 - Tainted Past
07 - After Me, The Flood
08 - Creepy Feelings
09 - Lesson Well Learned
10 - False Alarm
11 - On the Way
12 - Stricken by Fate
13 - You Can Run But You Can't Hide
14 - Betty 79'
15 - People
16 - Get Lost
17 - Toungue and Cheek
18 - Pirates
19 - Medieval Nightmares
2010 - La Raza
01 - Loose Cannon
02 - Head On
03 - Left Hook from Right Field
04 - Get Off the Fence
05 - Chilled
06 - La Raza
07 - Black Feet
08 - Little Monkey
09 - Blues
10 - Bandit Country
2015 - Win Hands Down [Japan]
01 Win Hands Down
02 Mess
03 An Exercise In Debauchery
04 Muscle Memory
05 That Was Then, Way Back When
06 With A Head Full of steam
07 In An Instant
08 Dive
09 Up Yours
10 Dive (Deep Remix)
2017 - Carpe Noctum (Live)
01 - Win Hands Down (Live)
02 - March of the Saint (Live)
03 - Stricken by Fate (Live)
04 - Last Train Home (Live)
05 - Mess (Live)
06 - Aftermath (Live)
07 - Left Hook from Right Field (Live)
08 - Reign of Fire (Live)
2020 - Punching the Sky
1.01 Standing on the Shoulders of Giants
1.02 End of the Attention Span
1.03 Bubble
1.04 My Jurisdiction
1.05 Do Wrong to None
1.06 Lone Wolf
1.07 Missile to Gun
1.08 Fly in the Ointment
1.09 Bark, No Bite
1.10 Unfair
1.11 Never You Fret

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