DragonForce龙族悍将是一支来自英国伦敦的力量金属乐队,由吉他手Herman Li和Sam Totman于1999年组成,以其激烈快速的吉他独奏、富有幻想色彩的歌词和复古电子游戏风格的音乐而闻名。现任乐队成员包括Li、Totman、主唱Marc Hudson、鼓手Gee Anzalone和贝斯手Alicia Vigil。他们的音乐生涯中,乐队经历了多次成员变更,包括长期成员主唱ZP Theart、键盘手Vadim Pruzhanov、鼓手Dave Mackintosh和贝斯手Frédéric Leclercq等人都曾是乐队的成员。

DragonForce已经发行了八张录音室专辑、两张现场专辑、一张合集专辑、一张现场DVD和一张Demo。他们的第三张专辑《Inhuman Rampage》(2005年)被美国唱片业协会和英国唱片业协会认证为金唱片;其主打单曲《Through the Fire and Flames》是他们最知名的歌曲,曾在包括《吉他英雄III:摇滚传奇》在内的多款电子游戏中出现。他们的第四张专辑的主打单曲《Heroes of Our Time》在2009年获得了格莱美奖的提名。DragonForce被誉为力量金属的"四大乐队"之一,与Helloween、Blind Guardian和Sabaton并列。

DragonForce的音乐风格独特,主要来自Herman Li和Sam Totman的高速双吉他演奏。他们在高音区以高速演奏,使得他们的音乐风格类似于"bleepy"的琶音和快速的音高弯曲,通常在第三代电子游戏音乐中可以听到。乐队经常在他们的音乐视频中向这种影响致敬。

尽管乐队经常将他们的风格称为力量金属,但在接受《吉他世界》采访时,Li对乐队风格的描述表示:"‘任天堂金属’,‘极端力量金属’,‘速度版的Bon Jovi’,‘Journey遇上Slayer’,...人们总是为我们贴上各种奇怪的标签。"乐队也被标签为速度金属或者进步金属乐队。





2003 - Valley Of The Damned (Japanese Edition)
01 Invocation of Apocalyptic Evil
02 Valley of the Damned
03 Black Fire
04 Black Winter Night
05 Starfire
06 Disciples of Babylon
07 Revelations
08 Evening Star
09 Heart of a Dragon
10 Where Dragons Rule (Bonus Track)
2004 - Sonic Firestorm (Japanese Edition)
01 My Spirit Will Go On
02 Fury of the Storm
03 Fields of Despair
04 Dawn Over a New World
05 Above the Winter Moonlight
06 Soldiers of the Wasteland
07 Prepare for War
08 Once in a Lifetime
09 Cry of the Brave (Bonus Track)
2006 - Inhuman Rampage (Japanese Edition)
01 Through the Fire and Flames
02 Revolution Deathsquad
03 Storming the Burning Fields
04 Operation Ground and Pound
05 Body Breakdown
06 Cry for Eternity
07 The Flame of Youth
08 Trail of Broken Hearts
09 Lost Souls in Endless Time (Bonus Track)
2008 - Ultra Beatdown (Limited Edition)
01 Heroes of Our Time
02 The Fire Still Burns
03 Reasons to Live
04 Heartbreak Armageddon
05 The Last Journey Home
06 A Flame for Freedom
07 Inside the Winter Storm
08 The Warrior Inside
09 Strike of the Ninja
10 Scars of Yesterday
2010 - Twilight Dementia (2CD)
01 Heroes Of Our Time
02 Operation Ground And Pound03 Reasons To Live
04 Fury Of The Storm05 Fields Of Despair
06 Starfire
07 Soldiers Of The Wasteland
01 My Spirit Will Go On
02 Where Dragons Rule
03 The Last Journey Home
04 Valley Of The Damned
05 Strike Of The Ninja
06 Through The Fire And Flames
2012 - The Power Within (Japanese Edition)
01 Holding On
02 Fallen World
03 Cry Thunder
04 Give Me the Night
05 Wings of Liberty
06 Seasons
07 Heart of the Storm
08 Die by the Sword
09 Last Man Stands
10 Seasons (Acoustic Version)
11 Power of the Ninja Sword (Bonus Track)
2014 - Maximum Overload (Limited Edition)
01 The Game
02 Tomorrow's Kings
03 No More
04 Three Hammers
05 Symphony of the Night
06 The Sun ls Dead
07 Defenders
08 Extraction Zone
09 City of Gold
10 Ring of Fire
11 Power and Glory (Bonus Track)
12 You're Not Alone (Bonus Track)
13 Chemical Interference (Bonus Track)
14 Fight to be Free (Bonus Track)
15 Galactic Astro Domination (Remixed) (Bonus Track)
2015 - In The Line Of Fire
01 Fury Of The Storm
02 Three Hammers
03 Black Winter Night
04 Seasons
05 Tomorrow's Kings
06 Symphony Of The Night
07 Cry Thunder
08 Ring Of Fire
09 Through The Fire And Flames
10 Valley Of The Damned
11 Defenders (Bonus Track)
2017 - Reaching Into Infinity (Japanese Limited Edition)
01 Reaching Into Infinity
02 Ashes Of The Dawn
03 Judgement Day
04 Astral Empire
05 Curse Of Darkness
06 silence
07 Midnight Madness
08 War!
0g Land Of Shattered Dreams
10 The Edge Of The World
11 Our Final Stand
12 Hatred And Revenge (Bonus Track)
13 Evil Dead (Death Cover) (Bonus Track)
14 Gloria (Bonus Track)
2019 - Extreme Power Metal (Japanese Edition)
01 Highway to Oblivion
02 Cosmic Power of the Infinite Shred Machine
03 The Last Dragonborn
04 Heart Demolition
05 Troopers of the Stars
06 Razorblade Meltdown
07 Strangers
08 In a Skyforged Dream
09 Remembrance Day
10 My Heart Will Go On
11 Behind the Mirror of Death

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