
制作人梁大为生于堪萨斯州劳伦斯,成长于纽约州北部。他在很小的时候开始学习古典钢琴,但在高中听到迈尔斯·戴维斯的《So What》后转向爵士。他在哈佛大学读书,毕业后搬到纽约市担任顾问。工作之余,他经常在各种酒吧寻找爵士演出。2003年,梁大为与他的大学同学莱恩·莱斯利重新取得联系,莱斯利在Bad Boy Records担任制作人。他辞去了白天的工作,开始在莱斯利的指导下学习打击乐器和混音设备,并深入研究他第一次错过的嘻哈历史。他的第一首歌被R&B歌手卡尔·托马斯购买,很快之后他创建了自己的乐队,上海复兴工程。


2007年底,SRP与中国唱片公司合作发布了《Remixed and Restored Vol. 1》,这是一个重新混音选择自1930年代上海的经典中文歌曲的项目。

2008年,SRP的专辑《Instrumentals: Day & Night》成为NPR的特色,是一部现代上海的24首原声音轨。在BBC对北京奥运会的报道中,一些歌曲经常被播放。


2010年,SRP赢得了纽约艾美奖,与中国创意社区Neocha合作发布了《eXpo》,这是一张突出展示中国电子艺术家的专辑,受到了The Fader、Wired.com和PRI's The World的关注。

2011年,SRP发布了《Little Dragon Tales》,这是一系列经典中国儿童歌曲,配以电子和嘻哈节奏。这张专辑被杰夫·杨(Jeff Yang)推荐为《华尔街日报》中“年度最佳文化智慧圣诞小礼品”。专辑中的歌曲还被星巴克和普图玛约发布的合辑收录。同年,梁大为开始与多媒体艺术家孙韵帆合作,首先是在音乐视频和现场视觉方面,最终涉足歌曲创作和音乐制作。

2014年,SRP发布了《The Classics》,这是一张将1930年代和1940年代上海爵士乐的标准曲目重新制作成电子格式的专辑。专辑中有上海爵士歌手张乐的独唱,并在NPR的“全国公共广播电台一切考虑”和卡森·戴利的“最后的通话”中亮相。该团队在中国进行了多城巡演,并在史密森尼民俗节和多伦多海湾中心演出。







2005 - Instrumentals
01. Race Course
02. Nanking Road
03. Shanghai Express (feat. Chester Gregory)
04. Lu Xun Revisited
05. Babylon of the Orient (feat. Amos Winbush)
06. Pearl Tower (feat. Roopak Ahuja)
07. Avenue Joffre (feat. Jason McNeely)
08. The Bund (feat. Shayna Steele)
09. Old City
10. Babylon of the Occident (feat. Amos Winbush)
11. Nanjing Road East
12. Lu Xun Revisited

2005 - The Shanghai Restoration Project
01. Introduction (1936)
02. Nanking Road
03. Shanghai Express
04. Jade Buddha Temple
05. Peace Hotel (What is Love)
06. Miss Shanghai
07. Lu Xun (Watch Me Dance)
08. Babylon of the Orient
09. Pearl Tower
10. Avenue Joffre
11. The Bund
12. Old City
13. Pudong
14. Bubbling Well Road
15. Jessfield Park

2007 - Remixed and Restored Vol. 1
01. Night Life in Shanghai (Shanghai Restoration Project Remix)
02. Rose, Rose I Love You (Shanghai Restoration Project Remix)
03. The Fire of Love (Shanghai Restoration Project Remix)
04. Farewell Shasha (Shanghai Restoration Project Remix)
05. The Evening Primrose (Shanghai Restoration Project Remix)
06. Night Life In Shanghai (Ye Shang Hai)
07. Rose, Rose I Love You (Mei Gui Mei Gui Wo Ai Ni)
08. The Fire of Love (Lian Shang Huo)
09. Farewell Shasha (Sha Sha Zai Hui Ba)
10. The Evening Primrose (Ye Lai Xiang)

2008 - Instrumentals Day - Night
01. Introduction (1936)
02. Nanjing Road East (Instrumental)
03. Pudong New District (Instrumental)
04. Movement (Instrumental)
05. Pace of Light (Instrumental)
06. Peace Hotel (Instrumental)
07. Jade Buddha Temple (Instrumental)
08. Avenue Joffre (Instrumental)
09. Lu Xun Revisited (Instrumental)
10. Call Me Home (Instrumental)
11. Jessfield Park (Instrumental)
12. Afterword (Instrumental)

01. Pudong (Instrumental)
02. Race Course (Instrumental)
03. The Bund (Instrumental)
04. Babylon of the Orient (Instrumental)
05. Lu Xun (Instrumental)
06. Pearl Tower (Instrumental)
07. Bubbling Well Road (Instrumental)
08. Babylon of the Occident (Instrumental)
10. Last Night of the Dynasty (Instrumental)
12. Miss Shanghai Revealed (Instrumental)

2008 - Story of a City
01. Author's Note
02. Preface
03. Voices
04. Last Night of the Dynasty
05. Movement
06. Love and Warlords
07. Touchdown
08. Pace of Light
09. Call Me Home
10. Divided We Stand
11. Last Morning
12. Afterword
13. Notes
14. Bibliography
15. Acknowledgements

2009 - Zodiac
01. vOX
02. deux TIGREs
03. RABBITual
04. eye of the DRAGON
05. SNAKEskin
06. dark HORSE
07. black SHEEP
08. the MONKEY queen
09. crow of the ROOSTER
10. top DOG
11. BOARdom
12. laboRATory

2010 - A Summer Song-single
01. A Summer Song (English Version)
02. A Summer Song (Japanese Version)

2010 - A Winter Song-single
01. A Winter Song (English Version)
02. A Winter Song (Japanese Version)

2011 - Birthday Wish-single
01. Birthday Wish
02. Birthday Wish (Frosted Mix)

2011 - Little Dragon Tales Chinese Children's Songs
01. Making Friends (Zhao Peng You)
02. Where Is Spring (Chun Tian Zai Na Li )
03. Clay Doll (Ni Wa Wa)
04. Two Tigers (Liang Zhi Lao Hu)
05. Congratulations (Gong Xi Gong Xi)
06. Sticky Dumplings for Sale (Mai Tang Yuan)
07. Selling Newspapers (Mai Bao Ge)
08. Finding Flowers in the Snow (Ta Xue Xun Mei)
09. The Schoolboy (Du Shu Lang)
10. Feng Yang Flower Drum (Feng Yang Hua Gu)
11. Little Swallow (Xiao Yan Zi)
12. Little White Boat (Xiao Bai Chuan)

2011 - Little Dragon Tales Chinese Children's Songs (Instrumentals)

2011 - New Tea-single
01. New Tea

2012 - In a Faraway Place
01. In a Faraway Place

2012 - Sum of All Things Nini-single
01. Sum of All Things Nini.mp3

2013 - Breakdance of Yao-single
01. Breakdance of Yao

2013 - Pictures in Motion
01. Uproar in Heaven
02. Diary of the Homecoming
03. The Highway
04. Dream of the Red Mansions
05. Greedy Neighbors
06. Song at Midnight
07. Spring in a Small Town
08. Princess Iron Fan
09. Queen of Sports
10. The Conceited General
11. The Goddess
12. The Wandering Songstress

2014 - The Classics
01. Paris of the East
02. Can't Get Your Love
03. Without You
04. Rose, Rose I Love You
05. The Evening Primrose
06. Waiting for You
07. Life Is Drama
08. By the Suzhou River
09. The Bright Moon Will Bring My Love to You
10. When Will You Return
11. Song of Four Seasons
12. Age of Innocence

2015 - Mungbean Mash-single
01. Mungbean Mash
02. Bailemen Swing

2016 - Life Elsewhere
01. There and Then
02. Illusion of Me
03. Reset
04. Queen's Bath
05. Listen
06. Joke
07. Guide to August
08. Unfinished Tango
09. Restless Feet
10. Song for Ally
11. Joy
12. Song Bie

2016 - What's up with That
01. Ayo Way
02. Making up the World
03. Norms and Misdemeanours
04. Tag Collection
05. Space Shuttle Simulator
06. Dreams in a Glass Jar
07. The Complex
08. Periscope
09. Out the Door
10. Ah Your Way

2017 - Alpha Go - Single
01. Alpha Go

2017 - I Don't Like the Comics You Drew-single
01. I Don't Like the Comics You Drew

2017 - R.U.R
01. Alpha Go
02. Tropical Spice Garden
03. Expedition Voronya
04. Last Bachelor Oecanthus
05. Spooky Party
06. Wish You Were as Happy as Me
07. Supermega Cosmomall
08. Self-Run Diagnostic
09. Triple Speed Taichi
10. Library Breakin'
11. High Culture Tour
12. Happy Earth Day
13. Telemicroscope

2017 - Spooky Party-Single
01. Spooky Party

2019 - Flashbacks in a Crystal Ball
01. Sudden Rush of Memories
02. Tactile Sonic Glide
03. Time Gambler
04. Jazzy Grandma
05. Dance School at Dusk
06. Soft Diamond
07. LIC Color Blast
08. Beeswax Chamber
09. Elegy for Wave Organ

2020 - Brave New World Symphony
01. R0
02. Involuntary Prophet
03. Present Continuous
04. Quest for the Silver Bullet
05. Hart Island Hymn
06. Balcony Garden
07. Positive Disintegration
08. Night Odyssey
09. Zoom Christmas

2023 - Sketchbook 94
01. The Artist
02. Swimming in Purple Clouds
03. The Visionary
04. Swelling Time
05. Phantasmagoria
06. Night Bus
07. Solo Free Float
08. Lost in Bomarzo

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